12 minute read

The Interconnectedness of Life and Data

The Interconnectedness of Life and Data


While reading below keep your mind open. If you can keep your religious or even scientific information aside it would help you understand my thoughts. For many of you these may be hard ideas to digest, therefore reading multiple times and thinking over again and again will help.

Life, consciousness, intelligence, force, energy, work, power, information, data, and time are highly interconnected ideas. They are so much connected, sometimes it looks difficult to define one without the other.

What is Life?

Earth exists, it is life.
That which exists is life.
That which took birth, sustain and one day will seize to exist is life.
Everything whatever is physical around us has come into existence so it is life.
Is there anything that is nonphysical and exists?
We don’t have ways to know that.

The matter is physical.
Solid, liquid, gas, and plasma are state of physical.
Energy is the subtlest level of physical reality.
Force is that which binds all the atoms of matter together.
Force is that which binds all subatomic particle and create an atom.
Work, Force, and Energy are related concepts.
Energy is not non-physical. It is physical.

Is it possible that something is physical and doesn’t exist? Impossible.
This is a self-contradicting sentence.

Now, we understand life or living in a broader sense.

What is Data?

If humans want to know about the earth or plant or another human.
Humans will know through data like the size, shape, color, age, etc. of the object.
We can call them variable names of living entity.
So we know the objects around us with the help of variable and their value.

Name and value of these variables in a human construct.
Humans speak, write and listen to values of these variables, and think in terms of these variables.
These variables and their values together are referred as data.
For example, weight is 5kg, height is 2 feet.
Weight and height are variable.
5kg, and 2 feet are variable values.
Humans developed different technology to preserve and relook at what was spoken.
These are the technologies to store and replay that data.

Now, we understand data in a general sense.

Language and Script

Humans speak many languages like English, Hindi, Tamil, French.
To store the data in writing humans developed scripts.
There are many scripts like Roman, Devanagari, Tamil, etc. to write the data.
For a long human was writing on cave walls,
and they developed different technologies for writing.

There is a limitation of writing.
1- If you are writing some other person’s spoken words then there are chances you can write something else than what you listened. The author can do this intentionally or unintentionally.
2- When a reader is reading these written words the reader can understand these words differently.
3- It is a difficult task to put tone, emotions, pace of speech, urgency etc in writing.

Therefore apart from writing humans needed some other skills and technologies to overcome the limitations.

Art, painting, and drawing is the technology that conveys that meaning which is difficult to convey while writing.
But, art, painting, etc. is not everybody’s cup of tea.
It takes time to master this.

Recently developed technologies can record the voice of the speaker.
Photographs and videos can be stored.

But, unlike written words and painting,
to record, store, and play voice and photogram you need different technologies.
Thus we developed different technologies to store and retrieve the stored data.

Data may be something written in some script,
Data may be painting, photo, video, or audio.
Primitive technology to store the data was script and painting.
For this, we needed chalk, slate, ink, and paper.
We needed institutions to teach reading, writing, and painting.

Over a period of time, we developed different technologies to store the data.
Reel camera to store images and videos, cassettes to store audio.
Then came the time of digital technologies.
Nowadays we are improving these technologies.
Nowadays we need these technologies to do the mass production of these devices.
Nowadays we need institutions to train people to use these devices.

Now, we understand the role of technology in storing and retrieving data.

Data and Language

If no human language exists,
If no human script exists then what happens to the existence of the objects?
The reality of Earth, water, space, fire, tree, flowers, rivers etc still exists.
Reality and life still exist but without human data.

Humans write this data in their brain, wall, notebook, or computer
This data helps humans understanding the objects.
Life keeps emitting different data at different point of time.
So data is changing every moment.
This data is color, shape, size, depth, temperature, smell, etc. These are variable.
Every variable has a variable type.
To store every variable type different language of nature is needed.
To store the color language is different. Blue, white, red, etc.
To store the temperature language is different. Number and degree celsius.
This data may be consumed by your eyes, ears, skin, tongue, and nose senses.

Data is related to life.
Life exists in time.
So data change with time.
In the morning you see a flower in a garden, you smell it, you touch it.
Some of the data you could store in an external device (photogram) and some you stored in your mind (smell and smoothness).

You again, come near to flower in the evening.
You took the photograph of that flower, you smell and you touched it.
The photograph is different, smell and touch have changed.
It is not the same as in the morning.
It is because the flower has changed from morning to evening.
And you also changed from morning to evening.
Therefore you are not going to perceive that flower the same as you perceived it in the morning.
Thus data of the image, touch, smell, sound, etc keep changing.
Flower is a life.
Is it the same flower that you saw in the morning?

We identify the objects with their variables like name, location, color, smell, etc.
Some of these variables are more prominient than others.
In the case of a flower, if the flower is at the place or in the same pot, same height, same color, same variety then we say it is the same flower.
But keep in mind flower has changed.
Life is the same.
Data about life has changed.
Maybe in the next 48 hours flower will die.
That flower which was living is dead.
But the data of flowers is still in your computer or phone hard disk.
This data belongs to the same flower which is no more now.

A flower that came into existence lived for 48 hours,
If you want to have data about that, you need 48 hours of video.
But with video, you won’t be able to capture all the aspects of a life called a flower,
Freshness, smoothness, smell of a flower.
With this data on your computer screen
you cannot attract bees and help them in pollination.

Now, we understand the role of language in data storage.

Value of Data and Where Data is stored?

Data is about the phenomenal external world around us.
Data is about your inner experiences.
Humans write the data of the external and inner world on paper, and store that on harddisk.

Let’s assume we have a technology to download the entire brain memory on a hard-disk.
Then what hard-disk has is data.
But the hard-disk is not brain like we have a brain.
The brain is life, it is part of life.

Hard-disk is a different kind of life and part of a different part of life called a computer. Hard-disk is useful when they are part of computers. In isolation, there is no use.

Hard-disk is that much valuable as much the data inside the hard-disk.
If it is a new and formatted hard-disk its value is as empty hard-disk hardware value is.
With data, it may be worth millions of dollars.

How valuable the data is? It depends upon the life the data is related to.

Now, we understand data is as much valuable as the life it is related to.
But we know data is not life. And life is much more than the data.

What is intelligence?

Hard-disk is one kind of life.
It can have data from a human brain.
The human brain is another kind of life.
It also has data about the life around or about the self.
A flower is one kind of life.
But it has data about the self.
A seed is one kind of life.
It has a different kind of intelligence.
Otherwise how come a seed of chilly doesn’t become a tomato plant?
No matter what soil, or what environment, Plant is the same as the seed is.

Animals, trees, plants, water, and rock all are life.
They all have some level of intelligence.
The intelligence which ensures what they are,
How they should exist or grow or interact with their surrounding.

If you start looking at every human brain,
it has data that is completely different from the existence around.
No two humans have the same data about a particular thing around them,
no matter how much standardization of education and language we do.

If we start looking deeper
For every intelligent life around us,
we will find data become information,
information can become wisdom and intelligence.
But if there is no intelligence then data can never become intelligence.
Because everything around us is life therefore Everything around has some degree of intelligence Hence every intelligence processes the data in a different way.

So what is that intelligence
which remembers color of blood cells,
color of a flower, the atomic structure of an atom
and molecular structure of a protein?

I am not talking about the color
which humans see or structure that human describe.
I am talking about that vibration at which flowers emit its existence
due to which humans perceive some color,
I am talking about that structure that carries the life on an atom,
molecules or the shape and size of a tree in a consistent way!

Intellignece is there in the animal’s mind Which process the surrounding data
because without the awareness about the environment
they cannot even arrange food for themselves.

If there is one Apple on the table then
do two people have the same data in their mind about this apple?
If not then it is clear that reality can never be perceived the way it exists!

A photo of a living entity is data,
the recorded sound of a living entity is data,
smell coming from a surroundings body is data

Now, we understand data is about the reality of life.
But is it not the reality of life.
It is a perception about a life.
This perception may exist in the brain of life or stored in the hard-disk.
More live you are, like any two human beings wider will be the perception of the same objects in the mind of two humans.
Lessor life you are, like two mosquito, more standard will be the response.

Life and Data

Data is about life and existence.
Everything which exists or has life has corresponding data.
But if there is no human, who bothers about the data then what happens to data?
For example when there is no human
but all kinds of animals and birds still exists in the nature
Then what happens to data? Is it there or not?

What is that which helps plants grow?
can a seed become a tree without having
any data, information, and intelligence inside the seed?
No matter what a dog eats that food will not make him cat or mouse.
So what that data, information, or intelligence
inside the dog which remembers how to process the food?

An atom is a life.
An atom is called carbon because it has 6 protons and 6 neutrons in the nucleus.
Name “carbon”, “proton”, or “neutron” is data, it is human assigned level to existential reality.
Numbers 1,2,3 or 6 is a human concept because humans can count so the number data exists.

Nature doesn’t care about the name and what number concept human has.
A carbon atom cannot have 6 protons and 21 neutrons.
First of all, this is not possible to have this kind of atomic structure,
because nature understand certain law of force and energy
and this suggestion violates that.

But let’s say it were possible then
will humans call that carbon? No.
In the context of nature,
Humans give names to things that exist.
It is not that the name comes first
and then the thing comes into existence.

Sun, air, water, plants, and animals all exists, and human assign name to them.
It is not because some superhuman or God said Sun and Sun came into existence.
Those creation stories of religious books are good enough for children’s mind.

Now, we understand data exist even if there is no human, there is no human Language. Because, without that intelligence is not possible. Existence is not possible.

Life without Data

Humans need language to store the data.
Data is about language, text numbers, and alphabets.
Every human language has a different way of writing and speaking about these.
An object which humans call “apple” in the English language is a reality on the apple tree, or in the market or on your table.
It is “data” when humans come with their language toolkit,
This toolkit has vocabulary, grammar, script, etc.

Without humans earth, sun, and moon are rotating,
and moving into the space, fishes are dancing in the water,
plants are growing and flowers are blossoming
but there is no poetry no English or Hindi or Chinese languages.
So, no Human data.
But data is there in the form of intelligence which defines existence.


Data is an integral part of modern life, and it is nearly impossible to imagine a world without it. With the advent of modern technology, data collection, storage, and analysis have become much easier, leading to new breakthroughs and advancements in many fields, including education, healthcare, transportation, defense, finance or you name it.

Based on the article, it can be concluded that life and data are closely related concepts that depend on each other. The article explains that data helps humans understand the objects around them, and life emits data that keeps changing with time. The article also highlights how technology has played a significant role in storing and retrieving data, which has evolved from scripting to digital technologies. It is clear that data is essential for humans to understand life and everything around them. However, the article leaves some questions unanswered, such as how humans can interpret the data and whether there are limits to how much data humans can collect and analyze. Nevertheless, it is a thought-provoking article that encourages readers to consider the relationship between life and data in a new way.
