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AI Resources

AI Resources: Ultimate Collection of Cutting-Edge Tools for AI EnthusiastsPermalink


In a world driven by innovation and accelerated by artificial intelligence, the right tools can make all the difference—whether you’re hunting for your dream job, scaling a business, or pushing the boundaries of creativity and development. Welcome to the ultimate resource hub! I’ve curated an extensive collection of hundreds of cutting-edge tools across diverse categories—ranging from AI-powered presentation and diagramming solutions to development frameworks, data visualization platforms, and even niche treasures like Sanskrit tools. Whether you’re a job seeker, an entrepreneur, a developer, a designer, or simply an AI enthusiast, this comprehensive directory is your gateway to unlocking efficiency, inspiration, and success. Dive in and discover the tools that will empower you to navigate the future with confidence!

Broadly these are the categorization of AI product capabilities.

  1. AI Development Platforms: These are platforms that provide tools and frameworks for developing AI models and applications. Examples include TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Microsoft Azure AI.

  2. AI for Data & Analytics: AI tools in this category help in analyzing large datasets to extract insights, predict trends, and make data-driven decisions. Examples include IBM Watson Analytics and Google Cloud AI.

  3. AI for Design & Creativity: These AI tools assist in creative processes such as graphic design, music composition, and content creation. Examples include Adobe Sensei and Canva’s design AI.

  4. AI for Productivity: AI tools that enhance productivity by automating routine tasks, managing schedules, and optimizing workflows. Examples include Microsoft Copilot and Slack’s AI features.

  5. AI for Research & Education: AI applications that support research and educational activities, such as personalized learning platforms and research assistance tools. Examples include IBM Watson Education and Google Scholar.

  6. Text-to-Audio & Music: AI technologies that convert text into audio formats or generate music from textual descriptions. Examples include OpenAI’s Jukedeck and Google’s Text-to-Speech.

  7. Text-to-Code (Code Generation): AI tools that generate code from natural language descriptions, aiding developers in writing software. Examples include GitHub Copilot and OpenAI’s Codex.

  8. Text-to-Text: AI models that process and generate text, such as language translation, summarization, and content generation. Examples include GPT-3 and Google Translate.

  9. Text-to-Video: AI technologies that create video content from textual descriptions. Examples include Synthesia and Pictory.

  10. Video-Captioning: AI tools that automatically generate captions for video content, enhancing accessibility and user engagement. Examples include YouTube’s auto-captioning and IBM Watson Media.

  11. Text-to-3D-Video: AI applications that convert text descriptions into 3D video content, useful in gaming, virtual reality, and simulations. Examples are still emerging but include tools like NVIDIA’s AI-driven graphics technologies.

  12. Multimodal: AI systems that can process and integrate multiple types of data inputs (text, images, audio, etc.) to perform complex tasks. Examples include OpenAI’s CLIP and Google’s Multimodal AI.

This categorization captures the diverse applications of AI across various domains. However, it’s worth noting that the field of AI is rapidly evolving, and new capabilities and categories are continually emerging. For instance, advancements in AI ethics, explainability, and

AI Chat/Interaction Tools

AI for Research & Education

Popular IDE / Development Platforms

AI Studios Platforms

    1. AI studio platforms—web-based tools or environments where users can interact with, build, or experiment with AI models
    2. Google AI Studio
    3. Gemini
    4. Azure AI Studio
    5. Vertex AI Studio
    6. Hugging Face Spaces
    7. AWS SageMaker Studio
    8. IBM Watson Studio
    9. Google Notebook LM

Online Development Tools

Development Tools

    1. codepad.org
    2. algassert.com/quirk
    3. apilevels.com
    4. archaeologyonline.net/mythology-to-history
    5. conferencemonkey.org/top/conferences
    6. developer.android.com/studio/archive
    7. docs.opencv.org/master/d6/d00/tutorial_py_root.html
    8. docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/17/index.html
    9. docs.python.org/3/py-modindex.html
    10. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_TeX_editors
    11. firebase.flutter.dev
    12. firebase.google.com/codelabs/firebase-get-to-know-flutter#1
    13. flask.palletsprojects.com/en/1.0.x
    14. gluebenchmark.com/diagnostics
    15. goldschmidt.info/2020
    16. html.com
    17. huggingface.co/transformers
    18. inltk.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api_docs.html#setup-the-language
    19. javascript.info
    20. jsonplaceholder.typicode.com
    21. learnpython.org
    22. leetcode.com
    23. lucide.dev/guide/packages/lucide-react
    24. microsoft.github.io/BiomedParse
    25. nlp.stanford.edu/projects/glove
    26. onecompiler.com/challenges
    27. paiza.io/en
    28. parl.ai/docs/agent_refs/bert_classifier.html
    29. play.kotlinlang.org
    30. pytorch.org/get-started/locally
    31. remix.run/docs/en/main
    32. sci-hub.41610.org
    33. srcbook.com
    34. survey.stackoverflow.co/2023/#most-popular-technologies-language-prof
    35. tailwindcss.com
    36. ufal.mff.cuni.cz/nlphealthcare2020
    37. ui.shadcn.com
    38. anaconda.com/products/individual
    39. claoudml.com
    40. cloudskillsboost.google/journeys/select_additional
    41. codingninjas.com/studio/online-compiler/online-mysql-compiler
    42. doi.org
    43. goodreads.com/user/rate_booksgenre
    44. heroku.com
    45. ijcse.com/aim-and-scope.html
    46. java.com/download/ie_manual.jsp
    47. mycompiler.io
    48. raais.org
    49. reddit.com/r/MachineLearning
    50. singlestore.com/pricing
    51. thegreatcoursesplus.com/customer/account/signin
    52. turing.com/blog/top-npm-packages-for-node-js-developers
    53. w3schools.com/mysql/trymysql.asp

AI LLM Tools & Frameworks

AI Development Platforms

AI Dev Tools & Libraries

AI for Text-to-Audio & Music

Desktop Audio Tools

AI for Text-to-Image Image/Thumbnail Generation Tools

Desktop Image Tools

For image prompt inspiration

AI for Design & Creativity

    1. aiff.runwayml.com
    2. alistapart.com
    3. animoto.com/projects
    4. app.diagrams.net
    5. app.leonardo.ai/image-generation
    6. app.logobly.com
    7. app.supermeme.ai/text-to-meme
    8. background.lol
    9. bgjar.com/sprinkle
    10. blackforestlabs.ai
    11. blackmagicdesign.com/products/davinciresolve
    12. boredhumans.com
    13. burst.shopify.com
    14. cacoo.com
    15. canva.com/create
    16. canva.com
    17. civitai.com
    18. cloudup.com
    19. codemyui.com
    20. codeproject.com
    21. color.adobe.com/create/color-wheel
    22. colorhunt.co
    23. commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Main_Page
    24. coolsymbol.com
    25. creativebloq.com
    26. crop.imageonline.co
    27. cssauthor.com
    28. csszengarden.com
    29. deepai.org
    30. deepmind.com/synthid
    31. digitalocean.com/community
    32. drawio.com
    33. dreamlike.art
    34. dribbble.com/tags/design_inspiration
    35. flickr.com/explore
    36. fontconverter.in
    37. freefrontend.com/#google_vignette
    38. gencraft.com/prompt
    39. giphy.com
    40. gradientmagic.com/collection/standard
    41. gradientmagic.com
    42. heygen.com/sid
    43. hiddendoor.co
    44. hotpot.ai
    45. htmlcolorcodes.com/color-picker
    46. htmlcolorcodes.com
    47. hyperbolic.xyz
    48. imagine.art/dashboard/video
    49. imgur.com
    50. in.mirrors.cicku.me/ctan/fonts/ fontawesome/doc/fontawesome.pdf
    51. invert.imageonline.co
    52. leonardo.ai
    53. lexica.art
    54. looka.com
    55. mage.space
    56. mycolor.space
    57. opendream.ai
    58. pexels.com
    59. photogenius.ai
    60. pietrastudio.com/platform/design-studio
    61. pikzels.com
    62. play.ai/apps
    63. play.ai
    64. pngtree.com
    65. productavatar.com
    66. quickdraw.withgoogle.com
    67. remove.bg
    68. runwayml.com
    69. shutterstock.com/editor
    70. sketch2code.azurewebsites.net
    71. sketchlie.com
    72. sora.com
    73. stocksnap.io
    74. studio.d-id.com
    75. superprompts.com
    76. svgviewer.dev
    77. thisrentaldoesnotexist.com
    78. tldraw.dev
    79. tobloef.com/text2mindmap
    80. trianglify.io
    81. tutsplus.com
    82. uglyduckling.app
    83. uxmovement.com
    84. vimeo.com/showcase
    85. visionari.app
    86. visionari.me
    87. webdesignernews.com
    88. webgradients.com
    89. wix.com/logo/maker/esh
    90. wordclouds.com
    91. worditout.com/word-cloud/create

AI for Text-to-Video - Generator Tools

Desktop Video Tools

AI Diagraming Tools

AI for Productivity

AI Presentation Tools

Job hunt and Business Hunt Tools

AI for Data & Analytics & Visulization

Data Visulization Blogs

Bookmarked Data Source

    1. http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/index.php
    2. http://millionsongdataset.com
    3. http://oasis-brains.org
    4. http://tabby.vision.mcgill.ca/ html/browsedownload.html
    5. http://visualgenome.org/api/v0/ api_home.html
    6. http://www.censusindia.gov.in/ 2011census/C-series/C08.html
    7. http://www.cse.iitm.ac.in/~vplab/SCID
    8. http://www.howstat.com/cricket/home.asp
    9. ai4bharat.org/project-list
    10. allenai.org/data
    11. archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets.php
    12. archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/index.php
    13. b2share.eudat.eu/records
    14. catalog.data.gov/dataset
    15. catalog.data.gov/dataset/traffic-data
    16. codalab.lisn.upsaclay.fr
    17. collegescorecard.ed.gov/data
    18. constraint-shared-task-2021.github.io
    19. cricsheet.org
    20. data.gov.in
    21. data.gov.uk
    22. data.mendeley.com/research-data
    23. data.world/datasets/amazon
    24. data.world/datasets/sports
    25. data.world/datasets/travel
    26. data.world/integrations
    27. data.worldbank.org/indicator
    28. datasets.quantumstat.com
    29. datasetsearch.research.google.com
    30. dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3137597.3137600
    31. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Database_download
    32. esankhyiki.mospi.gov.in
    33. ieee-dataport.org/data-competitions
    34. openlibrary.org
    35. paperswithcode.com/datasets
    36. pdftables.com
    37. research.yahoo.com
    38. science.howstuffworks.com
    39. smartcities.data.gov.in
    40. snap.stanford.edu/data
    41. surat.data.gov.in
    42. tn.data.gov.in
    43. trends.google.com/trends/exploreq
    44. crowdanalytix.com/en
    45. crunchbase.com
    46. gapminder.org/data
    47. gapminder.org/tools-offline
    48. imf.org/external/np/fin/data/param_rms_mth.aspx
    49. kaggle.com
    50. kaggle.com/datasets
    51. kaggle.com/datasets/search
    52. kdnuggets.com/datasets/index.html
    53. statista.com/outlook/io/manufacturing/india
    54. statsmodels.org/dev/datasets/index.html

AI Tool Directory


AI Model Hubs

Pedagogy Tools

Conferences, Research Journals and Publishers

AI Blogs to Learn about AI News and Current Development

    1. http://blog.kaggle.com
    2. http://www.deeplearningbook.org
    3. 24x7coach.com
    4. ai.google
    5. aihub.org
    6. algotrak.com
    7. alibabacloud/blog
    8. alison.com/tag/statistics
    9. allenai.org
    10. allenai.org/papers
    11. analyticstraining.com
    12. analyticstraining.com/category/machine-learning-ai
    13. aws.amazon.com/blogs/awsf.blog-master-category
    14. aws.amazon.com/blogs/machine-learning
    15. azure.microsoft.com/en-us/blog
    16. bair.berkeley.edu/blog
    17. blog.cloudera.com
    18. blog.google/technology/ai
    19. blog.medium.com
    20. blog.tensorflow.org/m=1
    21. blogs.nvidia.com
    22. canvasproject.withgoogle.com
    23. christophm.github.io/interpretable-ml-book
    24. data-flair.training/blogs
    25. databricks.com
    26. datahack.analyticsvidhya.com
    27. datascienceplus.com
    28. datasciencestop.com
    29. datatofish.com/blog
    30. deepmind.google
    31. deepmind.google/research
    32. deepmind.google/technologies
    33. deepmind.google/discover/blog
    34. developer.nvidia.com/blog
    35. docs.docker.com
    36. engineering.fb.com
    37. eric.ed.gov/Journals
    38. explosion.ai
    39. feedreader.com
    40. figshare.com/browse
    41. fritz.ai
    42. gizmodo.com/tech/artificial-intelligence
    43. hbr.org
    44. hbr.org/big-ideas
    45. huggingface.co/blog
    46. kore.ai
    47. leanpub.com
    48. machinelearning.apple.com/research
    49. machinelearningmastery.com
    50. managementconsulted.com
    51. medium.com
    52. medium.com/ai2-blog
    53. medium.com/ibm-data-science-experience
    54. mjl.clarivate.com/search-results
    55. morioh.com/explorenext=%2F
    56. news.mit.edu/topic/artificial-intelligence2
    57. news.ycombinator.com
    58. openaccess.thecvf.com/menu
    59. openai.com/news
    60. pathmind.com
    61. plos.org
    62. projects.apache.org/projects.html
    63. rapidapi.com
    64. rasa.com
    65. regexone.com
    66. research.google
    67. research.google/blog
    68. sebastianraschka.com/blog/index.html
    69. sebastianraschka.com/resources.html
    70. setosa.io/ev
    71. sotabench.com/benchmarks
    72. stackexchange.com
    73. stackexchange.com/sites
    74. syncedreview.com
    75. techcrunch.com
    76. thegradient.pub
    77. toppub.xyz/publications
    78. towardsdatascience.com
    79. 1843magazine.com
    80. aitimejournal.com
    81. analyticsindiamag.com
    82. analyticsvidhya.com/blog-archive
    83. analyticsvidhya.com/blog
    84. clarifai.com/blog
    85. datacamp.com
    86. datacamp.com/community/blog
    87. datarobot.com/blog
    88. dataschool.io
    89. dataversity.net
    90. deeplearning.ai/the-batch
    91. deloitte.com/global/en/services/consulting/blogs.html
    92. dummies.com
    93. exchange4media.com/interviews.html
    94. feedspot.com/reader/spotlight
    95. freecodecamp.org
    96. guru99.com/blog
    97. icsalabs.com
    98. kdnuggets.com
    99. kdnuggets.com/tag/machine-learning
    100. kdnuggets.com/websites/blogs.html
    101. latex4technics.com/codesearch
    102. marktechpost.com
    103. mckinsey.com
    104. mygreatlearning.com/blog
    105. naftaliharris.com/blog
    106. nature.com
    107. oigetit.com
    108. oreilly.com/radar/topics/ai-ml
    109. paperspace.com
    110. pgportal.gov.in
    111. pwc.in
    112. pyimagesearch.com/blog
    113. reddit.com/r/artificial
    114. reddit.com/r/datascience
    115. searchenginejournal.com/category/digital/generative-ai
    116. statista.com
    117. technologyreview.com
    118. techopedia.com/ai
    119. techrepublic.com
    120. the-scientist.com
    121. theatlantic.com/magazine
    122. theinsaneapp.com
    123. unite.ai
    124. unite.ai/ref=blog.limewire.com
    125. varsitytutors.com/high_school_math-help
    126. w3schools.com/datascience
    127. zealousweb.com
    128. the-decoder.com

Sanskrit Tools

Assorted Tools

    1. http://beautifytools.com/excel-to-html-converter.php
    2. http://www.quillpad.in/editor.htmlutm_source
    3. http://www.sciweavers.org/freeonline-latex-equation-editor
    4. aiseo.ai
    5. app.clickup.com/9016092491/v/l/8cpd9ub-256
    6. app.crowdsignal.com/startplan=free
    7. app.hyperwriteai.com/home
    8. azure.microsoft.com/en-us/solutions/ai/#overview
    9. beta.character.ai
    10. bitly.com
    11. claude.ai/chats
    12. codebeautify.org/html-to-markdown
    13. course.fast.ai/start_colab
    14. dateful.com/time-zone-converter
    15. follow.it/my-feeds/dasarpai/statistic
    16. getgreenshot.org/downloads
    17. gptstore.ai/chat/-gochitchat-ai
    18. gptstore.ai/chat/showme-redstarplugin-com
    19. gptstore.ai/chat/webpilotai-com
    20. help.autodesk.com
    21. keep.google.com/u/0/#home
    22. keepa.com/#!
    23. languagetool.org
    24. languagetool.org/editor/newregistered=true
    25. marketplace.atlassian.com/apps
    26. meet.jit.si
    27. news.microsoft.com/reinventing-productivity
    28. noises.online
    29. palmetto.demos.dice-research.org
    30. pdftotext.com
    31. poe.com
    32. prezi.com/dashboard/next/#/all
    33. products.aspose.app/pdf/conversion/pdf-to-tex
    34. quillbot.com
    35. regex101.com
    36. romannurik.github.io/AndroidAssetStudio
    37. shapenet.org/taxonomy-viewer
    38. shields.io
    39. tableconvert.com/html-to-markdown
    40. tableizer.journalistopia.com/tableizer.php
    41. wordhtml.com
    42. writer.com
    43. writesonic.com/chat
    44. 3ds.com/products/catia
    45. ansys.com/products/3d-design/ansys-discovery
    46. anthropic.com/product
    47. chatpdf.com
    48. codecogs.com/latex/eqneditor.php
    49. cortical.io/freetools/extract-keywords
    50. downloadlinkedinvideo.com
    51. howtopronounce.com
    52. imagine.art
    53. jasper.ai
    54. makeuseof.com/tag/markkit-hightlight-text-webpage
    55. onelook.com/reverse-dictionary.shtml
    56. onlinevideoconverter.com/youtube-converter
    57. overleaf.com/learn
    58. paralleldots.com/emotion-analysis
    59. seoptimer.com/keyword-generator
    60. smartsheet.com/solutions/project-management
    61. synthesia.io/homepage
    62. the-qrcode-generator.com
    63. theworldcounts.com/populations
    64. timeanddate.com
    65. veed.io
    66. videoask.com
    67. whatplugin.ai/plugins/access-pdf-amp-docs
    68. zamzar.com
    69. https://www.techpowerup.com/gpu-specs
    70. https://www.logicalincrements.com
    71. https://keepa.com

Desktop Assorted Tools

Python Libraries AI Engineer Should KnowPermalink

  • Pydantic
  • Pydantic Settings
  • Python Dotenv
  • FastAPI
  • Celery
  • Databases
  • SQLAlchemy
  • Alembic
  • Pandas
  • LLM Model Providers
  • Instructor
  • LLM Frameworks
  • Vector Databases
  • Observability
  • DSPy
  • PDF Parsers
  • Jinja

My Bookmarked Blog ArticlesPermalink

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