51 minute read


Books on Consciousness


If you are from the software industry and especially in a data scientist role on day to day basis. Then there are high chances you ask questions like

What is life?
What is consciousness?
What is the reality of existence?
What is the final definition of God?
What is the ultimate reality of this world?

I am not saying you ask these questions because you are fed up or puzzled with your life. But because of different reasons. You are creating artificial intelligence systems.

In my own way, I have been reading, listening, contemplating, and meditating on the above questions. Adi Sankar’s Advaita Vedanta speaks a volume on this subject. But in the last 100 years, many western philosophers and scientists started researching and writing on this subject. Apart from your professional life where you are paid for your work. Apart from the day to day family and social responsibilities if you are serious and get some time to reflect on the above questions then a list of the following books may be of your interest.

Note: I am not saying other professionals don’t ask these questions. When life goes through different circumstances everyone at one point or another goes through these questions. But, a serious software engineer who writes software (intelligence) for the hardware (body) has a high probability of thinking about these questions.

100+ Good Books on Consciousness

1. The Principles of Psychology

William James, 1890

2. Modern Man in Search of a Soul

Carl Jung, 1933

Our consciousness is relatively uninteresting and insignificant compared with our unconscious. Most of what “I” really am and what “I” actually do wells up from far below the surface. Jung is one of the great explorers of the dark but sovereign subconscious. You’ll bump into his archetypes if you dream diligently, fast long enough, or sit down in a winter wood and stare into the middle distance.

3. The Origins and History of Consciousness

Erich Neumann, 1949

4. The Doors of Perception

Aldous Huxley, 1954

Based on his experiences of taking the hallucinogen mescaline. Huxley concluded that the brain acted like a reducing valve, slowing down the influx of data into our brains to a manageable dribble. We may be drawing conclusions about the universe on the basis of a tiny fraction of the available information. We might be misreading it radically. It has recently been shown that human neural networks can process 11 dimensions. We usually use only four. We’re wired up for much, much more reality than we think.

5. Be Here Now

Ram Dass, 1971

Guru Ram Dass tells the story of his spiritual awakening and gives you the tools to take control of your life in this “counterculture bible” (The New York Times) featuring powerful guidance on yoga, meditation, and finding your true self. In 1960s author was known as Professor Richard Alpert. He held appointments in four departments at Harvard University. He published books, drove a Mercedes and regularly vacationed in the Caribbean. By most societal standards, he had achieved great success. . . . And yet he couldn’t escape the feeling that something was missing. Psilocybin and LSD changed that. During a period of experimentation, Alpert peeled away each layer of his identity, disassociating from himself as a professor, a social cosmopolite, and lastly, as a physical being. Fear turned into exaltation upon the realization that at his truest, he was just his inner-self: a luminous being that he could trust indefinitely and love infinitely. Thus, a spiritual journey commenced. Alpert headed to India where his guru renamed him Baba Ram Dass—”servant of God.” He was introduced to mindful breathing exercises, hatha yoga, and Eastern philosophy. If he found himself reminiscing or planning, he was reminded to “Be Here Now.” He started upon the path of enlightenment, and has been journeying along it ever since. Be Here Now is a vehicle for sharing the true message, and a guide to self-determination.

6. The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind

Julian Jaynes, 1976

7. The Mind’s I

Daniel Dennett, 1981

8. The ending of time

J Krishnamurti, 1985

The provocative and penetrating philosophical classic of science and spirituality (a discourse between the revered spiritual leader Krishnamurti and renowned physicist Dr. David Bohm). Exploring the origin of human conflict and what we can do about the barriers that stand in the way of insight and consciousness, now revised and updated with a new introduction and added dialogues.

The Ending of Time is a series of important and enlightening dialogues in which Jiddu Krishnamurti and Dr. David Bohm. Dr David is a men from vastly different backgrounds in philosophy and physics, respectively—debate profound existential questions that illuminate the fundamental nature of existence, probing topics such as insight, illusion, awakening, transcendence, renewal, morality, the temporal, and the spiritual. Along the way, Krishnamurti and Bohm explore a person’s relationship to society and offer new insights on human thought, death, awakening, self realization, and the problem of the fragmented mind.

The Ending of Time also refers to the wrong turn humanity has taken (a state that they argue can be corrected). Though they insist that mankind can change fundamentally, they warn that transformation requires going from one’s narrow and particular interests toward the general, and ultimately moving still deeper into that purity of compassion, love and intelligence that originates beyond thought, time, and even emptiness.

This updated edition, edited and revised in clear and engaging language, includes a new introduction and a conversation previously published separately which examines “The Future of Humanity.”

9. Nine-Headed Dragon River

Peter Matthiessen, 1986 This book contains some of his meditation diaries. They’re full of vertiginous worked examples, showing how to watch your own mind working.

10. The Emperor’s New Mind:

Concerning Computers, Minds and The Laws of Physics
Roger Penrose, 1989

11. Flow

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, 1990

12. The User Illusion: Cutting Consciousness Down to Size

Tor Nørretranders, 1991

13. The Feeling of What Happens

Antonio Damasio, 1999

14. The Mystery of Consciousness

John Searle, 1990

15. Consciousness Explained

Daniel Dennett, 1991 Mind-bending thought experiments about how we experience the world. Many of our difficulties with consciousness - including the ‘hard problem’ - are mere illusions. An entertaining and stimulating read, this book will seriously challenge your intuitions.

16. The Astonishing Hypothesis

Francis Crick, 1994

17. Journey of Souls :

Case Studies of Life Between Lives, Fifth Revised Edition
Michael Newton, 1994

Learn the latest details and most recent groundbreaking discoveries that reveal, for the first time, the mystery of life in the spirit world after death on Earth proof that our consciousness survives. Using a special hypnosis technique to reach the hidden memories of subjects, Dr. Newton discovered some amazing insights into what happens to us between lives. Journey of Souls is the record of 29 people who recalled their experiences between physical deaths.

Through their extraordinary stories, you will learn specifics about: How it feels to die What you see and feel right after death The truth about “spiritual guides” What happens to “disturbed” souls Why you are assigned to certain soul groups in the spirit world and what you do there How you choose another body to return to Earth The different levels of souls: beginning, intermediate, and advanced When and where you first learn to recognize soulmates on Earth The purpose of life Journey of Souls is a graphic record or “travel log” by these people of what happens between lives on Earth. They give specific details as they movingly describe their astounding experiences. After reading Journey of Souls, you will gain a better understanding of the immortality of the human soul. You will meet day-to-day challenges with a greater sense of purpose. You will begin to understand the reasons behind events in your own life. Journey of Souls is a life-changing book.

18. The Conscious Mind

David Chalmers, 1996

Fleshes out the ‘hard problem’ of consciousness with considerable force. Though challenging in places, this book is a brilliant survey of the field and a powerful critique of reductionist thinking. Reading it, you will feel the ‘hard problem’ of consciousness in your bones.

19. The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment

Eckhart Tolle, 1997

20. The Diving-Bell and the Butterfly

Jean-Dominique Bauby, 1997

21. Phantoms in the Brain: Probing the Mysteries of the Human Mind

V. S. Ramachandran, 1998

22. Chaos, Creativity, and Cosmic Consciousness

Rupert Sheldrake, Terence McKenna, Ralph Abraham, Jean Houston Ph.D., 2001

Three of the most original thinkers of our time explore issues that call into question our current views of reality, morality, and the nature of life. A wide-ranging investigation of the ecology of inner and outer space, the role of chaos theory in the dynamics of human creation, and the rediscovery of traditional wisdom.

In this book of “trialogues,” the late psychedelic visionary and shamanologist Terence McKenna, acclaimed biologist and originator of the morphogenetic fields theory Rupert Sheldrake, and mathematician and chaos theory scientist Ralph Abraham explore the relationships between chaos and creativity and their connection to cosmic consciousness. Their observations call into question our current views of reality, morality, and the nature of life in the universe. The authors challenge the reader to the deepest levels of thought with wide-ranging investigations of the ecology of inner and outer space, the role of chaos in the dynamics of human creation, and the resacralization of the world. Among the provocative questions the authors raise are: Is Armageddon a self-fulfilling prophecy? Are we humans the imaginers or the imagined? Are the eternal laws of nature still evolving? What is the connection between physical light and the light of consciousness? Part ceremony, part old-fashioned intellectual discussion, these trialogues are an invitation to a new understanding of what Jean Houston calls “the dreamscapes of our everyday waking life.”

23. The illusion of conscious will

Daniel Wegner, 2002

24. Consciousness: An Introduction

Susan Blackmore, 2003

25. Consciousness

Susan Blackmore, 2005

26. A New Earth : Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose

Eckhart Tolle, 2005

27. Conversations on consciousness

Susan Blackmore, 2005 Using wide-ranging interviews with leading thinkers and scientists of the field, including Chalmers and Dennett, Blackmore takes you on a mind-stretching trip from physicalism to dualism – and everything in between.

28. Irreducible Mind

Bruce Greyson, 2006

Current mainstream opinion in psychology, neuroscience, and philosophy of mind holds that all aspects of human mind and consciousness are generated by physical processes occurring in brains. Views of this sort have dominated recent scholarly publication. The present volume, however, demonstrates empirically that this reductive materialism is not only incomplete but false. The authors systematically marshal evidence for a variety of psychological phenomena that are extremely difficult, and in some cases clearly impossible, to account for in conventional physicalist terms.

Topics addressed include phenomena of extreme psychophysical influence, memory, psychological automatisms and secondary personality, near-death experiences and allied phenomena, genius-level creativity, and ‘mystical’ states of consciousness both spontaneous and drug-induced. The authors further show that these rogue phenomena are more readily accommodated by an alternative ‘transmission’ or ‘filter’ theory of mind/brain relations advanced over a century ago by a largely forgotten genius, F. W. H. Myers, and developed further by his friend and colleague William James. This theory, moreover, ratifies the commonsense conception of human beings as causally effective conscious agents, and is fully compatible with leading-edge physics and neuroscience. The book should command the attention of all open-minded persons concerned with the still-unsolved mysteries of the mind.

29. Philosophy of Mind

Feser, Edward, Oneworld Publications, 2006

In this lively and entertaining introduction to the philosophy of mind, Edward Feser explores the questions central to the discipline, and relates them not only to the human brain and its capacity for thought, but also to the increasing sophistication of artificial intelligence. This in-depth primer is an account of all the most important and significant attempts that have been made to answer the riddles of consciousness and thought.

30. Seeking Wisdom: From Darwin to Munger, 3rd Edition

Peter Bevelin, 2007

The author begins his fascinating book with Confucius’ great wisdom: “A man who has committed a mistake and doesn’t correct it, is committing another mistake.” Seeking Wisdom is the result of Bevelin’s learning about attaining wisdom. His quest for wisdom originated partly from making mistakes himself and observing those of others but also from the philosophy of super-investor and Berkshire Hathaway Vice Chairman Charles Munger. A man whose simplicity and clarity of thought was unequal to anything Bevelin had seen.

In addition to naturalist Charles Darwin and Munger, Bevelin cites an encyclopedic range of thinkers: from first-century BCE Roman poet Publius Terentius to Mark Twain, from Albert Einstein to Richard Feynman, from 16th Century French essayist Michel de Montaigne to Berkshire Hathaway Chairman Warren Buffett. In the book, he describes ideas and research findings from many different fields. This book is for those who love the constant search for knowledge. It is in the spirit of Charles Munger, who says, “All I want to know is where I’m going to die so I’ll never go there.” There are roads that lead to unhappiness. An understanding of how and why we can “die” should help us avoid them. We can’t eliminate mistakes, but we can prevent those that can really hurt us. Using exemplars of clear thinking and attained wisdom, Bevelin focuses on how our thoughts are influenced, why we make misjudgments and tools to improve our thinking. Bevelin tackles such eternal questions as: Why do we behave like we do? What do we want out of life? What interferes with our goals? Read and study this wonderful multidisciplinary exploration of wisdom. It may change the way you think and act in business and in life.

31. I Am a Strange Loop

Douglas Hofstadter, 2007

32. The Center Cannot Hold: My Journey Through Madness

Elyn Saks, 2007

33. The Head Trip: Adventures on the Wheel of Consciousness

Jeff Warren, 2007

34. The Demon-haunted World : Science As a Candle in the Dark

Carl Sagan, 2008

A glorious book . . . A spirited defense of science . . . From the first page to the last, this book is a manifesto for clear thought. Los Angeles Times “POWERFUL . . . A stirring defense of informed rationality. . . Rich in surprising information and beautiful writing.” How can we make intelligent decisions about our increasingly technology-driven lives if we don’t understand the difference between the myths of pseudoscience and the testable hypotheses of science?

Pulitzer Prize-winning author and distinguished astronomer Carl Sagan argues that scientific thinking is critical not only to the pursuit of truth but to the very well-being of our democratic institutions. Casting a wide net through history and culture, Sagan examines and authoritatively debunks such celebrated fallacies of the past as witchcraft, faith healing, demons, and UFOs. And yet, disturbingly, in today’s so-called information age, pseudoscience is burgeoning with stories of alien abduction, channeling past lives, and communal hallucinations commanding growing attention and respect. As Sagan demonstrates with lucid eloquence, the siren song of unreason is not just a cultural wrong turn but a dangerous plunge into darkness that threatens our most basic freedoms.

35. The ego tunnel

Thomas Metzinger, 2009

36. Biocentrism:

How Life and Consciousness are the Keys to Understanding the True Nature of the Univer
Robert Lanza, 2009

37. The ESP Enigma: The Scientific Case for Psychic Phenomena

Diane Hennacy Powell, 2009

A revolutionary explanation of the link between psychic phenomena and how human consciousness works. Dr. Diane Powell, a prominent Johns Hopkins–trained neuropsychiatrist, examines the evidence for many types of psychic phenomena telepathy, precognition, psychokinesis, and finds several well-designed and rigorously supervised studies that prove the existence of some psychic phenomena. The fact that psychic abilities are stronger among prodigies, autistic savants, and some people who are bipolar or have suffered certain brain injuries has led to brain-imaging and other research that can explain which parts of the brain are dominant in psychics and mystics. Dr. Powell proposes a new paradigm for consciousness that would explain psychic phenomena, such as how the mind of a mystic or psychic could have an organizational effect on the physical world. Grounded in decades of reliable scientific research, The ESP Enigma establishes a common ground among psychic phenomena believers and skeptics

38. Cosmic Consciousness

A Study in the Evolution of the Human Mind
Richard Maurice Bucke, 2010

39. The True Believer :

Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements
Eric Hoffer, 2010

Its theme is political fanaticism, with which it deals severely and brilliantly. On the San Francisco docks in the 1940s, Eric Hoffer wrote philosophical treatises in his spare time while living in the railroad yards. The True Believer—the first and most famous of his books—was made into a bestseller when President Eisenhower cited it during one of the earliest television press conferences.This landmark in the field of social psychology is completely relevant and essential for understanding the world today as it delivers a visionary, highly provocative look into the mind of the fanatic and a penetrating study of how an individual becomes one.

40. Consciousness: Confessions of a Romantic Reductionist

Christof Koch, 2012

41. Phi: A Voyage from the Brain to the Soul

Giulio Tononi, 2012

42. Breaking Convention: Essays on Psychedelic Consciousness

David Luke, 2013

43. Breaking Convention: Essays on Psychedelic Consciousness

by David Luke and Dave King, 2013 One of a set of proceedings of a biennial conference focusing on the academic study of psychedelics and related subjects such as shamanism and out of body and near-death experiences. Tectonic scientific progress is made by looking at the outliers – the evidence that doesn’t fit with your comforting old preconceptions. These studies do that.

44. Hallucinations

Oliver Sacks, 2013

45. Le Code de la conscience

Stanislas Dehaene, 2014

46. The Seat of the Soul

25th Anniversary Edition with a Study Guide Gary Zukav, 2014

47. The Soul of an Octopus:

A Surprising Exploration into the Wonder of Consciousness
Sy Montgomery, 2015

48. Beyond Words: What Animals Think and Feel

Carl Safina, 2015

Moving accounts of the reasons to suppose that various non-humans, including orcas, wolves and elephants, have emotions and a type of consciousness akin to ours. If they are conscious, why shouldn’t stones be conscious too?

49. Other Minds: The Octopus, the Sea, and the Deep Origins of Consciousness

Peter Godfrey-Smith, 2016 Examines the weird mystery of consciousness, charts its potential evolution from when life began. Drawing on his experience as a philosopher and enthusiastic scuba diver, author thoughtfully uses the octopus, a deeply alien yet oddly intelligent creature, to trace our inner lives back to their roots, and beautifully weaves in the story of how nature became aware of itself.

50. Scatterlings: Getting Claimed in the Age of Amnesia

Martin Shaw, 2016

Very few books about the wild are wild, and so very few are worthy of their subject. This one is. It’s a tale of how to be claimed by a place, and about how we’re dying because (being stories ourselves) we need good stories, as we need clean air, and yet we’re offered only the tawdry stories of material reductionism and the free market – stories which literally de-mean us. Shaw knows how stories seep out of the earth. The earth, like everything, has agency, and it wants us to audition for parts in its constantly evolving stories.

51. Stealing Fire:

How Silicon Valley, the Navy SEALs, and Maverick Scientists Are Revolutionizing the Way We Live and Work
Steven Kotler, 2017

52. From Bacteria to Bach and Back

Daniel Dennett, 2017

53. The River of Consciousness

Oliver Sacks, 2017

54. The Focus of Life

Austin Osman Spare, 2017

55. The Heartfulness Way:

Heart-Based Meditations for Spiritual Transformation
Kamlesh D. Patel, Joshua Pollock, James R. Doty MD, Varun Soni PhD, 2018

A must-read for anyone interested in incorporating meditation into their lifestyle. A spiritual way of living by and from the heart that is inclusive of all ideologies, beliefs, and religions. In this heart-centered book, a student in conversation with his teacher, Kamlesh D. Patel—affectionately known as Daaji, the fourth and current spiritual guide of the century-old Heartfulness tradition—present a unique method of meditation with the power to facilitate an immediate, tangible spiritual experience, irrespective of a person’s faith. Our modern, fast-paced world can be an overwhelming place. Every day, we’re bombarded with messages telling us that in order to be happy, fulfilled, and worthy, we must be better, do more, and accumulate as much material wealth as possible. Most of us move through our busy lives with our minds full of these ideas, multitasking as we strive to navigate the responsibilities and expectations we must meet just to make it through the day. But what if there is another way? What if, rather than letting the busyness of life overtake our minds, we learn to be heartful instead?Based on Daaji’s own combination of approaches and practices for the modern seeker—which draws from the teachings of Sahaj Marg, meaning “Natural Path”—Heartfulness is a contemporized version of the ancient Indian practice of Raja Yoga, a tradition that enables the practitioner to realize the higher Self within. While many books describe refined states of being, The Heartfulness Way goes further, providing a pragmatic course to experience those states for oneself, which, per the book’s guiding principle, is “greater than knowledge.”Heartfulness meditation consists of four elements—relaxation, meditation, cleaning, and prayer—and illuminates the ancient, defining feature of yogic transmission (or pranahuti), the utilization of divine energy for spiritual growth and transformation. Using the method, detailed practices, tips, and practical philosophy offered in this book, you’ll reach new levels of attainment and learn to live a life more deeply connected to the values of the Heartfulness way—with acceptance, humility, compassion, empathy, and love.

56. The Manual : A Philosopher’s Guide to Life

Epictetus, Sam Torode, Thomas Wentworth Higginson, 2017

57. Becoming Supernatural : How Common People Are Doing the Uncommon

Dr. Joe Dispenza, 2017

The author of the New York Times bestseller You Are the Placebo, as well as Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself and Evolve Your Brain, draws on research conducted at his advanced workshops since 2012 to explore how common people are doing the uncommon to transform themselves and their lives. Becoming Supernatural marries some of the most profound scientific information with ancient wisdom to show how people like you and me can experience a more mystical life.

Readers will learn that we are, quite literally supernatural by nature if given the proper knowledge and instruction, and when we learn how to apply that information through various meditations, we should experience a greater expression of our creative abilities; that we have the capacity to tune in to frequencies beyond our material world and receive more orderly coherent streams of consciousness and energy; that we can intentionally change our brain chemistry to initiate profoundly mystical transcendental experiences; and how, if we do this enough times, we can develop the skill of creating a more efficient, balanced, healthy body, a more unlimited mind, and greater access to the realms of spiritual truth. Topics include: Demystifying the body’s 7 energy centers and how you can balance them to heal? How to free yourself from the past by reconditioning your body to a new mind? How you can create reality in the generous present moment by changing your energy? The difference between third-dimension creation and fifth-dimension creation? The secret science of the pineal gland and its role in accessing mystical realms of reality. The distinction between Space-Time vs. Time-Space realities etc. Using tools and disciplines ranging from cutting-edge physics to practical exercises such as a walking meditation, Dr. Joe offers nothing less than a program for stepping outside our physical reality and into the quantum field of infinite possibilities.

58. Ideas toward a Phenomenology of Interruptions

Cameron Bassiri, 2018

59. How to Change Your Mind:

What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence , psychedelics
Michael Pollan, 2018

The effects of psychedelics on our lives and gain insight into our lives and the world around us. Psychedelics have also been used to treat addiction, depression, and trauma. Furthermore, experts in the field have provided insight into the science behind psychedelics and how they can help to make a difference in our lives.

60. Altered States of Consciousness:

Experiences Out of Time and Self
Marc Wittmann, 2018

What altered states of consciousness—the dissolution of feelings of time and self—can tell us about the mystery of consciousness. During extraordinary moments of consciousness—shock, meditative states and sudden mystical revelations, out-of-body experiences, or drug intoxication—our senses of time and self are altered; we may even feel time and self dissolving. These experiences have long been ignored by mainstream science, or considered crazy fantasies. Recent research, however, has located the neural underpinnings of these altered states of mind.

In this book, neuropsychologist Marc Wittmann shows how experiences that disturb or widen our everyday understanding of the self can help solve the mystery of consciousness. Wittmann explains that the relationship between consciousness of time and consciousness of self is close; in extreme circumstances, the experiences of space and self intensify and weaken together. He considers the emergence of the self in waking life and dreams; how our sense of time is distorted by extreme situations ranging from terror to mystical enlightenment; the experience of the moment; and the loss of time and self in such disorders as depression, schizophrenia, and epilepsy. Dostoyevsky reported godly bliss during epileptic seizures; neurologists are now investigating the phenomenon of the epileptic aura. Wittmann describes new studies of psychedelics that show how the brain builds consciousness of self and time, and discusses pilot programs that use hallucinogens to treat severe depression, anxiety, and addiction.If we want to understand our consciousness, our subjectivity, Wittmann argues, we must not be afraid to break new ground. Studying altered states of consciousness leads us directly to the heart of the matter: time and self, the foundations of consciousness.

61. Stealing Fire :

How Silicon Valley, the Navy SEALs, and Maverick Scientists Are Revolutionizing the Way We Live and Work
Steven Kotler, Jamie Wheal, 2018

The biggest revolution you’ve never heard of, and it’s hiding in plain sight. Over the past decade, Silicon Valley executives like Eric Schmidt and Elon Musk, Special Operators like the Navy SEALs and the Green Berets, and maverick scientists like Sasha Shulgin and Amy Cuddy have turned everything we thought we knew about high performance upside down. Instead of grit, better habits, or 10,000 hours, these trailblazers have found a surprising short cut.

They’re harnessing rare and controversial states of consciousness to solve critical challenges and outperform the competition. New York Times bestselling author Steven Kotler and high performance expert Jamie Wheal spent four years investigating the leading edges of this revolution, from the home of SEAL Team Six to the Googleplex, the Burning Man festival, Richard Branson’s Necker Island, Red Bull’s training center, Nike’s innovation team, and the United Nations’ Headquarters. And what they learned was stunning: In their own ways, with differing languages, techniques, and applications, every one of these groups has been quietly seeking the same thing: the boost in information and inspiration that altered states provide. Today, this revolution is spreading to the mainstream, fueling a trillion dollar underground economy and forcing us to rethink how we can all lead richer, more productive, more satisfying lives. Driven by four accelerating forces psychology, neurobiology, technology and pharmacology. We are gaining access to and insights about some of the most contested and misunderstood terrain in history. Stealing Fire is a provocative examination of what’s actually possible; a guidebook for anyone who wants to radically upgrade their life.

62. Quantum Revelation

A Radical Synthesis of Science and Spirituality
Paul Levy, Jean Houston, 2018

The Quantum Revelation is mind-blowing. To say that quantum physics is the greatest scientific discovery of all time is not an exaggeration. In their discovery of the quantum realm, the physics community stumbled upon a genuine multifaceted revelation which can be likened to a profound spiritual treasure. A heretofore undreamed of creative power―hidden within our own mind. Quantum physics unequivocally points out that the study of the universe and the study of consciousness are inseparably linked, which is to say that ultimate progress in the one will be impossible without progress in the other.

Einstein declared that what it reveals is so immensely important that “it should be everyone’s concern.” Yet few of us in the general public truly understand how the game-changing discoveries of the past century not only relate to our day-to-day lives, but also give us insights into the nature of reality and our place within it. Written for readers with no physics background, Paul Levy’s latest book, The Quantum Revelation: A Radical Synthesis of Science and Spirituality is for those who have heard that quantum physics is a fascinating subject but don’t quite understand how or why. Levy contemplates the deeper philosophical underpinnings of quantum physics, exploring the fundamental questions it provokes: What does it mean that quantum theory has discovered that there is no such thing as “objective reality?” How are we participating, via our consciousness, in creating our experience of a reality that quantum theory itself describes as “dreamlike?” What are the implications for us in our day-to-day lives that what we call reality is more like a dream that we had previously imagined? The Quantum Revelation is unique in how it synthesizes science and spirituality so as to reveal and explore the dreamlike nature of reality. It is a book not just for people interested in quantum theory, but for anyone who is interested in waking up and dreaming lucidly, be it in our night dreams or our waking life.

63. Thus Spoke the Plant

A Remarkable Journey of Groundbreaking Scientific Discoveries and Personal Encounters with Plants
Monica Gagliano, Suzanne Simard, 2018

An accessible and compelling story of a scientist’s discovery of plant communication and how it influenced her research and changed her life. In this “phytobiography”–a collection of stories written in partnership with a plant, researcher reveals the dynamic role plants play in genuine first-hand accounts from her research into plant communication and cognition.

By transcending the view of plants as the objects of scientific materialism, Gagliano encourages us to rethink plants as people, beings with subjectivity, consciousness, and volition, and hence having the capacity for their own perspectives and voices. The book draws on up-close-and-personal encounters with the plants themselves, as well as plant shamans, indigenous elders, and mystics from around the world and integrates these experiences with an incredible research journey and the groundbreaking scientific discoveries that emerged from it. Gagliano has published numerous peer-reviewed scientific papers on how plants have a Pavlov-like response to stimuli and can learn, remember, and communicate to neighboring plants. She has pioneered the brand-new research field of plant bioacoustics, for the first time experimentally demonstrating that plants emit their own ‘voices’ and, moreover, detect and respond to the sounds of their environments. By demonstrating experimentally that learning is not the exclusive province of animals, Gagliano has re-ignited the discourse on plant subjectivity and ethical and legal standing. This is the story of how she made those discoveries and how the plants helped her along the way.

64. The Evolving Self : A Psychology for the Third Millennium ***

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, 2018

Premised on the idea that only through a reckoning with our evolutionary past can we build a stable, meaningful future, The Evolving Self covers the challenges associated with our cognitive evolutionary history (“As far as controlling the mind is concerned, we are like a novice driver behind the wheel of a racing car”); the distortions of reality we experience due to genes, culture, and our sense of self; and the central importance of “flow” from an evolutionary perspective as we look toward the future.Erudite, perceptive, and insightful—and more important now than ever, as our consciousnesses are increasingly mediated by electronic devices — The Evolving Self is a timely resource for anyone looking to improve our world for ourselves and for generations to come.

65. Beyond UFOs

The Science of Consciousness & Contact with Non Human Intelligence
Reinerio Hernandez J.D., Rudy Schild PH.D., Jon Klimo PH.D., 2018

This 820 page book details the academic research findings of FREE (the world’s first comprehensive multi-language quantitative and qualitative 5 year academic research study on individuals that have had UFO related contact with Non Human Intelligence (NHI)). Over the last 5 years FREE has collected detailed responses to 3 extensive quantitative and qualitative surveys from over 4,200 individuals from over 100 countries. Our survey findings from these thousands of “Experiencers” contradict much of what is circulating in mainstream materialist Ufology.

Our academic book will establish a new paradigm for viewing the UAP (UFO) Contact Phenomenon. FREE argues that “Consciousness” and the paranormal and psychic aspects of this phenomenon is the key to understanding this complex phenomenon instead of the traditional materialist perspective of “nuts & bolt’s” Ufology. The Dr. Edgar Mitchell Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial and Extraordinary Experiences, or FREE, is a 501(c)(3) Academic Research Not for Profit Foundation. FREE was co-founded by the late Apollo 14 astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell, Dr. Rudy Schild, an Emeritus Research Astronomer at the Harvard/Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics at Harvard University, Australian researcher Mary Rodwell and Rey Hernandez, an Attorney and Experiencer who was a Ph.D. Candidate at the University of California at Berkeley. FREE is comprised of retired academic professors and lay researchers who have been researching the field of Unidentified Aerial Phenomenon (UAP) and contact with Non-Human Intelligence (NHI) for more than 30 years.

66. An End to Upside Down Thinking

Dispelling the Myth That the Brain Produces Consciousness, and the Implications for Everyday Life
Mark Gober, 2018

Stephen Hawking’s A Brief History of Time meets Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now, Consciousness creates all material reality. Biological processes do not create consciousness. This conceptual breakthrough turns traditional scientific thinking upside down. This book will rock the scientific community and mainstream generalists interested in understanding the true nature of reality.

67. Healing the Soul of America, 20th Anniversary Edition

Marianne Williamson, 2018

68. A Thousand Seeds of Joy

Teachings of Lakshmi and Saraswati
Ananda Karunesh, 2018

In an extraordinary conversation sweeping the planet, two Hindu Goddesses Lakshmi and Saraswati reveal the secrets of a new feminine path of joy that uses the body and the soul to quiet the mind and blossom into enlightenment with ease! Goddess Lakshmi and Goddess Saraswati promise nothing short of a grand transformation of humanity with the birthing of a new joy-centered consciousness on Earth at this time.

69. Psychic Sexuality

The Bio-Psychic “Anatomy” of Sexual Energies Ingo Swann, Paula Gunn Gunn Allen, 2018

70. Information―Consciousness―Reality

How a New Understanding of the Universe Can Help Answer Age-Old Questions of Existence
James B. Glattfelder, 2019

71. Conscious: A Brief Guide to the Fundamental Mystery of the Mind

Annaka Harris, 2019

72. The Feeling of Life Itself:

Why Consciousness Is Widespread But Can’t Be Computed
Christof Koch, 2019

73. When Souls Awaken;

Real-life Accounts of Past-life and Life-between-lives Regressions
Pieter J. Elsen, 2019

74. Consciousness Medicine

Indigenous Wisdom, Entheogens, and Expanded States of Consciousness for Healing and Growth
Françoise Bourzat, Kristina Hunter, Ralph Metzner Ph.D., 2019

75. Social Vision

The Lubavitcher Rebbe’s Transformative Paradigm for the World
Philip Wexler, 2019

76. The Feeling of Life Itself

Why Consciousness Is Widespread but Can’t Be Computed
Christof Koch, 2019

77. The Flip

Epiphanies of Mind and the Future of Knowledge
Jeffrey J. Kripal, 2019

78. The Upanishads

Eknath Easwaran, 2019

Easwaran’s best-selling translation of the ancient wisdom texts called the Upanishads is reliable, readable, and profound.In the Upanishads, illumined sages share flashes of insight, the results of their investigation into consciousness itself. In extraordinary visions, they have direct experience of a transcendent Reality which is the essence, or Self, of each created being. They teach that each of us, each Self, is eternal, deathless, one with the power that created the universe. Easwaran’s translation of the principal Upanishads and five others includes an overview of the cultural and historical setting, with chapter introductions, notes, and a Sanskrit glossary. But it is Easwaran’s understanding of the wisdom of the Upanishads that makes this edition truly outstanding.

79. Metahuman : Unleashing Your Infinite Potential

Deepak Chopra M.D., 2019

Deepak Chopra argues that consciousness is the sole creator of self, mind, brain, body, and the universe, and provides a 31-day guide to becoming Metahuman. He suggests that we can break through a blinded and illusionary “virtual reality” and understand our non-physical experience that is beyond the physical and infinite. Chopra also provides a strategy to expand our consciousness in all that we think, say, and do, and to liberate ourselves from the conditioning and constructs that underlie anxiety, tension, and ego-driven demands.

80. Spiritual Science

Why Science Needs Spirituality to Make Sense of the World
Steve Taylor, 2019

Spiritual Science offers an alternative, spiritual view of reality that transcends both conventional science and religion, and answers many of the riddles that neither can explain. The standard model of science has had little success in explaining such areas as human consciousness, the connection between the mind and the body, altruism and ‘anomalous’ phenomena such as near-death experiences, psi phenomena (such as telepathy) and spiritual experiences. But from a ‘panspiritist’ point of view - which sees spirit or consciousness as a fundamental essence of reality - it is possible to make sense of all these things.

Steve Taylor puts forward the evidence for a spiritual view of reality, drawing on the insights of philosophers, physicists, mystics, as well as spiritual traditions and indigenous cultures. He systematically shows how a ‘panspiritist’ view can explain many puzzling aspects of science and the world, including evolution and the origins of life, and a wide range of other phenomena such as quantum physics, the placebo effect, precognition and neuroplasticity. Spiritual Science offers a new vision of the world that is compatible with both modern science and ancient spiritual teachings. It provides a more accurate and holistic account of reality than conventional science or religion, integrating a wide range of phenomena that are excluded from both. After showing how the materialist worldview demeans the world and human life, Spiritual Science offers, a vision of the world as sacred and interconnected and of human life as meaningful and purposeful. Spiritual Science explains how the standard materialist model of reality developed, and turned into a belief system. This belief system can only function by denying (or explaining away) a whole range of phenomena that are part of human experience

81. The Science of Fate

Why Your Future is More Predictable Than You Think
Hannah Critchlow, 2019

82. Is This a Dream?

Reflections on the Awakening Mind
Anoop Kumar, 2020

83. Dreams of Light

The Profound Daytime Practice of Lucid Dreaming
Andrew Holecek, 2020

A world-renowned expert in lucid dreaming and Tibetan dream yoga guides us into the tradition’s daytime practices, a complement to the nighttime practices taught in his previous book Dream Yoga.Most of us are absolutely certain that we’re awake here and now. Yet, according to Tibet’s dream yoga tradition, ordinary waking life is no more real than the illusions of our nightly dreams. In his previous book Dream Yoga, Andrew Holecek guided us into Tibetan Buddhism’s nocturnal path of lucid dreaming and other dimensions of sleeping consciousness.

Now, with Dreams of Light, he offers us an in-depth, step-by-step guide to its daytime practices. Known as the “illusory form” practices, these teachings include insights, meditations, and actions to help us realize the dreamlike nature of our lives. Through an immersive exploration of the tradition, beginners and seasoned practitioners alike will learn everything they need to deeply transform both their sleeping and waking hours.”If you’ve struggled to awaken in your dreams,” teaches Holecek, “these techniques will often spark spontaneous lucidity during sleep. And if you’re already a successful lucid dreamer, they will open you to new depths of experience throughout your day.” For those wishing to explore Tibetan Buddhism’s profound path for awakening to the true nature of reality―day or night―Dreams of Light shows us the way.

84. Architecture of the Afterlife

The Flipside Code: Discovering the Blueprint for the Great Beyond
Richard Martini, 2020

After filming 50 cases of people under hypnosis saying the same things about the afterlife. After working with medium Jennifer Shaffer talking to people directly, author began to focus his research on people who were NOT under hypnosis, but who could recall a vivid event; a dream, a near death experience or something that was consciousness altered.

By asking simple questions to them about their experience, I found that I could “ask them” to invite “people on the flipside” into the conversation, including loved ones no longer on the planet, including guides, teachers and council members that are aware of all of their lifetimes, as well as have answers to key questions about the nature of reality, about consciousness about how things work. By asking nearly 50 people not under any form of hypnosis “the same questions” to these “people on the flipside” - I was startled to see that they said the same things about the journey that the people under hypnosis have said. Within these pages, people are going to read or here things that will upset their paradigm, that will challenge their belief system, that will force them to rethink (or at least consider rethinking) everything they’ve ever been told about the journey. As one science based author wrote to me in an email “Your experiments, which I have tried on my own and replicated, have “shaken me to my core.” I am a filmmaker and author, I have been filming people talking about the afterlife for over a decade, and have reported extensively how I came to this line of questioning. These reports have been gathered over the past two years; some remain anonymous, some are not - either way, they’re people fully conscious, eyes open, staring into the distance over my shoulder (or speaking live on the radio) accessing vistas and worlds I’ve heard about from other people. The reports are consistent and they are reproducible. We apparently choose our lifetimes, bring “about a third” of our conscious energy to any given performance, when the play is over, we “return home” to connect with our loved ones, teachers, and guides. These accounts point to another reality altogether - one that does not include fear, does not include attachment to worry, an understanding of why we each chose our lifetime and what we are here to learn. As Gary Schwartz PhD wrote in the Introduction to Flipside “As you read Richard’s journey of personal discovery in the context of these great questions, you will awaken to a vision of mind and the universe which is filled with opportunity and awe.

85. The Lab : Points on the Practice of Yoga Āsanas

Maria Engberg, 2020

Do you want to discover the veiled treasure of Yoga and Asanas? If you are looking for the sweet spot of consciousness and lucid unrestrained self-discipline. If you don´t want to remain on a gross peripheral surface level but wish to deepen and nourish your Life and Yoga Practice, this book is for You. It develops fundamental points hidden between the lines in the three courses expounded in the book Āsanas, first published 1933, written by Swami Kuvalāyananda, a pioneer in the field of Yoga and the founder of Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute, Lonavla, India.

Knowingly or unknowingly all Yoga Lovers around the Globe are following this original book in one or another stretch or twist. It is about Āsanas as a BASE, but for what? This is the second book in the series: The Veiled Treasure of Yoga. The author, Maria Engberg, is from Sweden. Trained within a broad physical-spatial field and being a student of Yoga, she is also the author of the book: Spiro ergo sum – The practice of Pranayama and the Theory of Relativity Within and Outside The Laboratory – Notes on Breath, Space and Energy.

86. Making Sense:

Conversations on Consciousness, Morality, and the Future of Humanity
Sam Harris, 2020

87. Breath : The New Science of a Lost Art

by James Nestor , 2020

88. Science Fictions

How Fraud, Bias, Negligence, and Hype Undermine the Search for Truth
Stuart Ritchie, 2020

89. Until the End of Time :

Mind, Matter, and Our Search for Meaning in an Evolving Universe
Brian Greene, 2020

90. When Souls Awaken

Real-life accounts of past-life and life-between-lives regressions
Pieter J Elsen, 2020

Real-life accounts of past life and life between lives Regressions, discover your true purpose on earth and beyond. Have you ever asked yourself, why do we reincarnate? What better answers to these questions could we possibly get than from the accounts of those who have gone there themselves. By traveling back in time during past life regressions, clients share their incredible findings in this book. What is the true nature of my being? What is consciousness? Why am I here?

Take a mystical journey beyond the empirical reality of life on earth with wisdom clients received by connecting to a state of super-consciousness during life-between-lives spiritual regression, along with commentaries by the author. Would you like to understand the purpose of your life? This book is not only full of incredible past life and life between lives cases, it is filled with gems of spiritual wisdom helping you understand what it is that you came to do here on earth to live a happy, fulfilled and meaningful life. The author was born in Holland and has lived in 5 different countries and on 3 different continents. Born and educated in The Netherlands, Pieter studied 5 years at the renowned Design Academy in Eindhoven, specializing in Industrial Design. Though he graduated with honors, Pieter felt there was more to life and set out on a 20-year journey of Self Discovery that brought him to France, India, England, and finally the United States. Pieter was a Vedic monk for 21 years, of which 11 were spent in India. While there he studied extensively the deep and spiritual philosophy of the East. He uses this experience and knowledge as a therapist and life coach counselor integrating the Western and Eastern schools of thought. He is licensed by the Michael Newton Institute of Life between Lives Regression. After coming to the United States he channeled his experience as a gifted motivational speaker and background in philosophy and international cultural diversity into the field of Clinical Hypnotherapy. In 2014 Pieter attained his Ph.D. specializing in Transpersonal and Spiritual Counseling. Pieter’s current focus is on past-life and life-between-lives regression sessions and writes and speaks on this topic, in his blog, and on various shows.

91. The Ra Material

Law of One: 40th-Anniversary Boxed Set
Jim McCarty, Don Elkins, Carla L. Rueckert, 2020

Is our universe intelligently designed? What are the possibilities of healing, transformation, and service? What is the Law of One? After 19 years of research into the channeling phenomenon that involved communications with members of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the One Infinite Creator, a group consciousness called Ra, who had evolved on the planet Venus, established contact with three dedicated seekers of truth to explore these and other questions. Ra said that all people and all of creation are One Being: the One Infinite Creator. They suggested that the process of learning to love (awakening to the “Original Thought”) is studied via humanity’s movement through all of time. The Ra Material sessions conducted by these three individuals examine the meaning of our cosmic existence and contain 106 transcripts of every conversation, including events leading up to first contact, and, in Book V, commentary about the contact. This 40th-anniversary boxed set includes all five books in hard cover.

92. The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying

The Spiritual Classic & International Bestseller: 25th Anniversary Edition
Sogyal Rinpoche, Patrick Gaffney, Andrew Harvey, 2020

A magnificent achievement. In its power to touch the heart, to awaken consciousness, this book is an inestimable gift. An enlightening, inspiring, and comforting manual for life and death that the New York Times calls, “The Tibetan equivalent of [Dante’s] The Divine Comedy,” this is the essential work that moved Huston Smith, author of The World’s Religions, to proclaim, “I have encountered no book on the interplay of life and death that is more comprehensive, practical, and wise.”

93. The Map of Consciousness Explained

A Proven Energy Scale to Actualize Your Ultimate Potential
David R. Hawkins M.D. Ph.D, 2020

94. The Grand Biocentric Design

How Life Creates Reality
Robert Lanza, Matej Pavsic, Bob Berman, 2020

95. Sacred Geometry

How to use cosmic patterns to power up your life
Jemma Foster, 2020

96. Experiencing Psychedelics

What it’s like to trip on Psilocybin Magic Mushrooms, LSD/Acid, Mescaline And DMT
Alex Gibbons, 2020

97. Decoding Schopenhauer’s Metaphysics

The Key to Understanding How It Solves the Hard Problem of Consciousness and the Paradoxes of Quantum Mechanics
Bernardo Kastrup, 2020

98. Dark Cognition

Evidence for Psi and its Implications for Consciousness
David Vernon, 2020

99. Mind, Consciousness, and Well-Being

Daniel J. Siegel M.D., Marion F. Solomon Ph.D., 2020

100. Brains Explained

How They Work & Why They Work That Way + STEM Learning about the Human Brain + Fun and Educational Facts about Human Body
Alison Caldwell PhD, Micah Caldwell LCPC, 2021

101. The Physics of God

How the Deepest Theories of Science Explain Religion and How the Deepest Truths of Religion Explain Science
Joseph Selbie, Amit Goswami PhD, 2021

102. Consciousness Rising

Guiding You through Spiritual Awakening and Beyond
Nicky Sutton, 2021

103. Third Eye Awakening

Guided Meditation to Open Your Third Eye, Expand Mind Power, Intuition, Psychic Awareness, and Enhance Psychic Abilities
Sarah Rowland, 2021

104. Education for Critical Consciousness

Paulo Freire, 2021

105. Feline Philosophy: Cats and the Meaning of Life

John Gray, 2021

The author of Straw Dogs, famous for his provocative critiques of scientific hubris and the delusions of progress and humanism, turns his attention to cats―and what they reveal about humans’ torturous relationship to the world and to themselves. The history of philosophy has been a predictably tragic or comical succession of palliatives for human disquiet. Thinkers from Spinoza to Berdyaev have pursued the perennial questions of how to be happy, how to be good, how to be loved, and how to live in a world of change and loss.

But perhaps we can learn more from cats than from the great thinkers of the world. In Feline Philosophy, the philosopher John Gray discovers in cats a way of living that is unburdened by anxiety and self-consciousness, showing how they embody answers to the big questions of love and attachment, mortality, morality, and the Self. Montaigne’s house cat, whose un-examined life may have been the one worth living; Meo, the Vietnam War survivor with an unshakable capacity for “fearless joy”; and Colette’s Saha, the feline heroine of her subversive short story “The Cat”, a parable about the pitfalls of human jealousy. Exploring the nature of cats, and what we can learn from it, Gray offers a profound, thought-provoking meditation on the follies of human exceptionalism and our fundamentally vulnerable and lonely condition. He charts a path toward a life without illusions and delusions, revealing how we can endure both crisis and transformation, and adapt to a changed scene, as cats have always done.

106. Being You: A New Science of Consciousness

Anil Seth, 2021

107. Being a Human:

Adventures in 40,000 Years of Consciousness
Charles A. Foster, 2021

108. The Matter with Things

Iain McGilchrist, 2021

Explored the way in which our perception of the world, and of ourselves, is influenced by – or is – the conversation or stand-off between the two cerebral hemispheres. The Matter With Things is a devastating assault on the view that there is only matter, and that consciousness can emerge from a conglomeration of unconscious units.

109. The Hidden Spring: A Journey to the Source of Consciousness

Mark Solms, 2021

110. Illuminate The Mystery Of Consciousness :

Learn About Paradoxes Of Mathematics, Biology & Philosophy: Paradoxes Of Physics
Brynn Thoams, 2021

Reality is the aggregate of all that is real or existent within a system, as opposed to that which is only imaginary. In physical reality, when we interact with an object and follow through with a perceived affordance, the resultant action tells us whether that affordance was real or false. This book presents current knowledge of physics and highlights significant Indian contributions to the subject. The contents are as much about what is known as about what remains to be known and it speaks of a variety of paradoxes of mathematics and physics. They argue that there is a hidden order in physical reality that transcends the capacity of rational models help to illuminate the secrets of consciousness. Let’s discover how consciousness works in life right now!

111. Conscious Automata: Brain as a Mental Machine

Thomas H. Huxley, William James, Lloyd Morgan, Rowland G. Hazard, 2021

Is Brain a Computer? Since René Descartes and his Cartesian philosophy, human brain has been depicted as a machine which has sensory inputs, and actions as output. This understanding gained a lot of interest especially in the 20th century with the development of computers and logical circuitry. Today, all our sciences (cognitive sciences, psychology, neuroscience, and so on) use brain-computer analogy in order to understand the workings of the brain and the essence of human mind. However, there is one big problem. We know that machines only perform what they are programmed to perform, and they obey the will of their designers.

Then, how can we have conscious machines or automata which go beyond the limits of its programme and originate genuine behavior? In this book, you will discover some of the most-educated answers given to this and similar questions by the founding fathers of psychology and philosophy of mind. The articles are carefully selected among hundreds of similar writings on the subject in order to ease the reader’s way into the subject. No background in pscyhology, phsyiology or philosophy is required. The book consists of 4 articles by: Thomas Henry Huxley (the great British biologist), William James (aka the founder of Pragmatism), Lloyd Morgan (aka the founding father of Academic Psychology), Rowland Hazard (the great American social reformer). In the book, you will find the answers to the following questions: What is an automaton? Is human body a machine/automaton? Does human brain work mechanically? Are animals automata? Are humans automata? Can machines think? Can machines gain consciousness? What are the physiological and biological basis of thoughts and ideas? Is mind a mechanism? Can a machine solve problems as well as humans do? You will also find many intriguing experiments on human and animal minds.

Some excerpts from the book: “A French soldier, a sergeant, was wounded at the battle of Bareilles. The man was shot in what we call the left parietal bone. The bullet, I presume, glanced off, but it fractured the bone. … At present this man lives two lives, a normal life and an abnormal life. In his normal life he is perfectly well, cheerful, and a capital hospital attendant, does all his work well, and is a respectable, well-conducted man. That normal life lasts for about seven-and-twenty days, or thereabouts, out of every month; but for a day or two in each month—generally at intervals of about that time—he passes into another life, suddenly, and without warning or intimation. In this life he is still active, goes about just as usual, … nut in this condition he neither sees, nor hears, nor tastes, nor smells, nor is he conscious of any thing whatever, and has only one sense-organ in a state of activity—viz., that of touch, which is exceedingly delicate.” Our problem consequently is: Of what use to a nervous system is a super added consciousness? Can a brain which has it function better than a brain without it? And to answer this question, we must know, first, the natural defects of the brain, and secondly, the peculiar powers of its mental correlate.

112. The Physics of Consciousness

In the Quantum Field, Minerals, Plants, Animals and Human Souls
Ivan Antic, 2021

113. The Nature Of Physics

The Connection Between Quantum Physics And Advaita Vedanta: Learn About Paradoxes Of Physics
Kisha Leuthold, 2021

Reality is the aggregate of all that is real or existent within a system, as opposed to that which is only imaginary. In physical reality, when we interact with an object and follow through with a perceived affordance, the resultant action tells us whether that affordance was real or false.This book presents current knowledge of physics and highlights significant Indian contributions to the subject. The contents are as much about what is known as about what remains to be known and it speaks of a variety of paradoxes of mathematics and physics. They argue that there is a hidden order in physical reality that transcends the capacity of rational models help to illuminate the secrets of consciousness.

114. What Is Our Place In The Universe

Perspective About The Fourth Dimension Of Human Existence: The Meaning Of Human Existence
Eldridge Mourad, 2021

Do you believe that there is another dimension of existence? If yes, keep reading because this book will open a different view of the world for you. This provocative book proposes that the fourth dimension of existence can provide the perspective and comprehension necessary to arrive at logical answers to the unanswered questions of our existence. The Fourth Dimension of Existence draws on the author’s unique education. The author feels that a thorough fusion of the methodologies of science, philosophy, and religion could yield logical answers to the questions humans have been asking themselves since the dawn of human consciousness.

115. Humanism : Its Science & Philosophy An Introduction

K.K. Jayarajan, 2021

Humanism is an investigative journey through the mind of man within the reality of universal harmony of finite and infinite. Here the intellect is the infinite factor of consciousness, and the self is the finite factor consisting of biological, physical and mental regions. This book envisages the idea that a healthy mind is also a fully conscious mind where the finite self and infinite consciousness are harmonising with feminine-masculine principles to create and recreate the world with humanism.

116. The Rediscovery of Hope and Purpose

Awakening the Human Spirit
Christopher W. Albrecht, 2021

The world is hungry to have an awakening. Hope and purpose are just waiting to be discovered. This is my guidebook. In 1938, a three-year-old Bavarian boy’s father was called to war. His destination was the Russian front. The boy vividly remembered the family’s outhouse. Toilet paper hung from a wire, but when the Great War came, the toilet paper was replaced with newspaper. Then there came a day that the newspaper, too, would be gone. All that was left were the religious texts of the boy’s father, a Lutheran minister.

A decision by the boy’s mother had to be made, and the fallout later would have a postwar German family trying to put the pieces of their lives back together. Their quest: to rediscover their hope and purpose when everything had been stripped away from their lives. The description came to me from my father in a handwritten letter in March of 2020 as the global pandemic was bringing back long buried thoughts about the war.The Rediscovery of Hope and Purpose projects light on a course of action for civic and personal development. This book is unique in that it does not advocate for change. A moral compass of hope and purpose is alive within each person, but over time many people lose the ability to recognize this. This book helps you, the reader, rediscover the comfort and joy that come from living a life of hope and purpose through a call to rediscovery, not change. Written from the vantage point of a seasoned educator who is a former New York State Teacher of the Year and National Teachers Hall of Famer, this book contains explicit examples to guide readers by focusing on factors that can improve individuals and communities. The Rediscovery of Hope and Purpose challenges hopelessness by providing an uplifting experience. The book is designed to drive home a compelling message that hope and purpose are eternal fires ready to be rediscovered. It unlocks the shackles so many have clamped on hope allowing for a reawakening. Ten highly encaptivating interviews with inspiring people from all walks of life, intertwined with narratives, and history provide an investigation into social philosophy that promise the reader to think deeper and reflect stronger on the future. This book is based in a brand-new genre coined Investigative Social Philosophy.

117. Universal Human : Creating Authentic Power and the New Consciousness

Gary Zukav, 2021

The Seat of the Soul shows us step-by-fascinating-step how to create a life of love and where that now leads. Universal Human gives us new tools to grow spiritually and shows us how to transform everyday experiences of hopelessness, emptiness, and pain into fulfillment, meaning, and joy.

It points us toward a startling new destination (a species that is beyond culture, religion, nation, ethnic group, and gender a species whose allegiance is to Life first and all else second) and shows us how to get there. Universal Human examines our disintegrating social structures and the new social structures that are replacing them. It shows us a new creation story (our new creation story—as we create it with our choices, our deeds, and our words. A new human consciousness is replacing the old human consciousness. Authentic power—the alignment of the personality with soul) is replacing external power, the ability to manipulate and control. Author explains that the potential of a new era of humanity based on love instead of fear is upon us, but only we can bring it into being. Universal Human shows us how.

Dr Hari Thapliyaal
