12 minute read

Google Cloud APIs

Google Cloud APIs


Hundreds of services from Google are available to consumers as API. Every API has a specific purpose. Over a period of time, google keeps clubbing these API endpoints (a url/place where a service is available), cleaning their code and improving the capabilities of these services. Therefore, sometimes it looks endpoint or pip package is the same, but its API name is different. Recently when google clubbed their many AI APIs they are moved under VertexAI and API endpoint changed to aiplatform.googleapi.com. To bring some clarity for my own sake and some of you may like this, I wrote this article.

Suppose you want to try these API services from your local machine or on premise machine. You need to do the following.

  1. You need to install google cloud SDK on the machine.
  2. Use gcloud command to connect google project. Because when you use google cloud API, Google will charge you for that. And all the charges are against some resources (service API, virtual machine, storage, processing etc). These resources are managed under a Google project. You can set budget for these services at project level. Thus, it becomes easy to track your expenses and budget.
  3. Create virtual environment using python virtualenv command or conda command
  4. Activate the virtual environment.
  5. pip install the package in that environment (for this you can refer the table below)
  6. Write your code in python to consume the API service.
  7. Execute the code on the command prompt.

At the GCP (cloud.google.com) end, you need to

  1. Enable the corresponding API.
  2. Create the API key. Sometimes you may access the service with API key.
  3. Create a service user and authorize this service user to access that API service.

Google API List and Endpoints

No. API Name API Endpoint PIP Installation Command Description
1. Cloud AI Hub API aiplatform.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-aiplatform Provides sharing and discovering of machine learning pipelines, models, and more.
2. Cloud AI Platform (Unified) API aiplatform.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-aiplatform Provides unified access to Vertex AI services, including AutoML, Pipelines, data labeling and model deployment.
3. Cloud Vertex AI API aiplatform.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-aiplatform Provides unified access to Vertex AI services, including AutoML, Pipelines, and more.
4. Cloud Vertex AI Data Labeling API aiplatform.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-aiplatform Enables data labeling for machine learning datasets.
5. Cloud Vertex AI Dataset API aiplatform.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-aiplatform Manages datasets for machine learning models in Vertex AI.
6. Cloud Vertex AI Endpoint API aiplatform.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-aiplatform Manages machine learning model endpoints in Vertex AI.
7. Cloud Vertex AI Image Annotation API aiplatform.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-aiplatform Offers image annotation services for custom machine learning datasets.
8. Cloud Vertex AI Job API aiplatform.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-aiplatform Manages training and batch prediction jobs in Vertex AI.
9. Cloud Vertex AI Model API aiplatform.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-aiplatform Manages machine learning models in Vertex AI.
10. Cloud Vertex AI Pipeline API aiplatform.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-aiplatform Enables building and deploying machine learning pipelines in Vertex AI.
11. Cloud Vertex AI Prediction API aiplatform.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-aiplatform Offers online and batch prediction services in Vertex AI.
12. Cloud Vertex AI Specialist Search API aiplatform.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-aiplatform Allows searching for AI specialists and experts in Vertex AI.
13. Cloud API Gateway API apigateway.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-apigateway Provides a fully managed API gateway for serverless applications.
14. Cloud App Engine Admin API appengine.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-appengine Enables the management of App Engine applications.
15. Cloud AutoML Natural Language API automl.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-automl Provides custom machine learning models for natural language processing.
16. Cloud AutoML Translation API automl.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-automl Enables building custom machine learning models for translation tasks.
17. Cloud AutoML Vision API automl.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-automl Offers custom machine learning models for image recognition.
18. Cloud AI Platform Jobs API ml.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-aiplatform Manages training and batch prediction jobs for machine learning models.
19. Cloud AI Platform Model Builder API ml.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-aiplatform Allows building custom machine learning models using a simple UI.
20. Cloud AI Platform Prediction API ml.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-aiplatform Offers online and batch prediction services for machine learning models.
21. Cloud AI Platform Training API ml.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-aiplatform Enables training and serving machine learning models on Google Cloud.
22. Cloud AI Platform Vizier API ml.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-aiplatform Provides hyperparameter tuning for machine learning models.
23. Cloud Machine Learning Engine API ml.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-ml Allows for training and deploying machine learning models using TensorFlow.
24. Cloud Speech-to-Text API speech.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-speech Allows converting audio to text using machine learning.
25. Cloud Text-to-Speech API texttospeech.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-texttospeech Enables converting text into natural-sounding speech.
26. Cloud Translation API translate.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-translate Provides translation capabilities for Google Cloud Platform resources.
27. Cloud Video Intelligence API videointelligence.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-videointelligence Extracts insights from videos using machine learning.
28. Cloud Vision API vision.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-vision Provides image recognition capabilities for Google Cloud Platform resources.
29. Cloud BigQuery API bigquery.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-bigquery Enables super-fast SQL queries using the processing power of Google’s infrastructure.
30. Cloud Bigtable API bigtable.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-bigtable Provides a fully managed, scalable NoSQL database service.
31. Cloud Billing Budget API billingbudgets.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-billing-budget Manages budget notifications for Google Cloud billing.
32. Cloud Asset API cloudasset.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-asset Offers access to the resource inventory for Google Cloud Platform.
33. Cloud Billing API cloudbilling.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-billing Allows for the management of Google Cloud billing accounts and budgets.
34. Cloud Build API cloudbuild.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-build Enables building and testing applications in the cloud using containers.
35. Cloud Debugger API clouddebugger.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-debugger Offers debugging capabilities for cloud applications.
36. Cloud Error Reporting API clouderrorreporting.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-error-reporting Automatically reports errors raised by running cloud services.
37. Cloud Functions API cloudfunctions.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-functions Enables the deployment and management of event-driven serverless functions.
38. Cloud IoT Core API cloudiot.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-iot Offers IoT device management and data ingestion for IoT applications.
39. Cloud Key Management Service API cloudkms.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-kms Enables the management of cryptographic keys for Google Cloud resources.
40. Cloud Profiler API cloudprofiler.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-profiler Provides application performance profiling for cloud applications.
41. Cloud Resource Manager API cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-resource-manager Manages Google Cloud resources and IAM policies programmatically.
42. Cloud Resource Manager API (Folders) cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-resource-manager Manages and organizes resources into folders programmatically.
43. Cloud Resource Manager API (Tagging) cloudresourcemanager.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-resource-manager Enables adding and managing labels (tags) for Google Cloud resources.
44. Cloud Scheduler API cloudscheduler.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-scheduler Provides job scheduling for Google Cloud resources.
45. Cloud Shell API cloudshell.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-shell Provides authenticated access to Cloud Shell sessions.
46. Cloud Shell API (Public) cloudshell.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-shell Offers public access to Cloud Shell sessions.
47. Cloud Tasks API cloudtasks.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-tasks Allows for managing and executing tasks asynchronously.
48. Cloud Tasks Queue API cloudtasks.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-tasks Allows for creating and managing queues to run tasks in the background.
49. Cloud Trace API cloudtrace.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-trace Captures, analyzes, and displays the latency data for applications.
50. Cloud Composer API composer.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-composer Offers workflow orchestration for managing complex pipelines.
51. Cloud Compute Engine API compute.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-compute Allows for the management of virtual machine instances in Google Compute Engine.
52. Cloud Kubernetes Engine API container.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-container Provides a managed Kubernetes service for containerized applications.
53. Cloud Container Registry API containerregistry.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-containerregistry Provides secure, private Docker container image storage and management.
54. Cloud Data Catalog API datacatalog.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-datacatalog Offers metadata management and data discovery for enterprise data assets.
55. Cloud Dataflow API dataflow.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-dataflow Enables the processing of large-scale data in real-time or batch mode using Apache Beam.
56. Cloud Dataprep API dataprep.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-dataprep Offers intelligent data preparation and cleaning to simplify analytics workflows.
57. Cloud Dataproc API dataproc.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-dataproc Provides fast, easy-to-use, fully managed cloud services for running Apache Spark and Hadoop.
58. Cloud Datastore API datastore.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-datastore A highly scalable NoSQL database service.
59. Cloud Deployment Manager API deploymentmanager.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-deployment-manager Automates the deployment and management of Google Cloud resources.
60. Cloud Data Loss Prevention (DLP) API dlp.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-dlp Provides data loss prevention (DLP) capabilities for sensitive data detection and redaction.
61. Cloud DLP API dlp.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-dlp Provides data loss prevention (DLP) capabilities for sensitive data detection and redaction.
62. Cloud Document AI API documentai.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-documentai Enables intelligent document processing and understanding.
63. Cloud Endpoints API endpoints.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-endpoints Offers development, deployment, and management of APIs on Google Cloud.
64. Cloud Firestore API firestore.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-firestore A flexible, scalable NoSQL database for web and mobile applications.
65. Cloud Game Servers Management API gameservices.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-gameservices Provides game server management for multiplayer game developers.
66. Cloud Healthcare API healthcare.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-healthcare Offers healthcare-specific data storage and processing capabilities.
67. Cloud Identity and Access Management API iam.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-iam Offers identity and access management for Google Cloud resources.
68. Cloud Identity-Aware Proxy API iap.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-iap Provides identity-aware access control for applications deployed on Google Cloud.
69. Cloud Identity Platform API identitytoolkit.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-identity-toolkit Provides identity and authentication for Google Cloud applications.
70. Cloud Talent Solution API jobs.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-talent Provides talent management solutions such as job search and matching.
71. Cloud Talent Solution Client API jobs.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-talent Enables search and match functionality for Cloud Talent Solution.
72. Cloud Natural Language API language.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-language Offers natural language understanding for text analysis.
73. Cloud Life Sciences API lifesciences.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-life-sciences Provides services for genomics and life science data processing.
74. Cloud Logging API logging.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-logging Allows for collecting and viewing logs, monitoring application performance, and debugging.
75. Cloud Memorystore for Memcached API memcache.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-memcache Offers fully managed Memcached instances for in-memory caching.
76. Cloud Monitoring API monitoring.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-monitoring Provides monitoring and alerting services for Google Cloud resources.
77. Cloud AI Platform Notebooks API notebooks.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-notebooks Provides managed Jupyter Notebook instances for data analysis and machine learning.
78. Cloud OS Config API osconfig.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-os-config Manages package installations and configurations for VM instances.
79. Cloud OS Login API oslogin.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-os-login Enables programmatic access to Google Cloud VM instances using OS Login.
80. Cloud Pub/Sub API pubsub.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-pubsub Allows for message-oriented communication between independent applications.
81. Cloud Memorystore API redis.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-redis Offers fully managed Redis instances for in-memory caching.
82. Cloud Memorystore for Redis API redis.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-redis Provides fully managed Redis instances for in-memory caching.
83. Cloud Retail API retail.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-retail Provides retail-specific AI and data analytics solutions.
84. Cloud Runtime Configuration API runtimeconfig.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-runtimeconfig Provides access to runtime configuration for cloud services.
85. Cloud Secret Manager API secretmanager.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-secret-manager Offers secure storage, access, and management of secrets.
86. Cloud Security Command Center API securitycenter.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-security-center Provides security and data risk insights for Google Cloud resources.
87. Cloud Service Directory API service-directory.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-servicedirectory Enables management and discovery of services for microservices architectures.
88. Cloud Service Usage API serviceusage.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-service-usage Allows managing API enablement and usage for Google Cloud services.
89. Cloud Source Repositories API sourcerepo.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-sourcerepo Offers Git version control for code hosted on Google Cloud.
90. Cloud Spanner API spanner.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-spanner Offers a globally distributed, horizontally scalable, and strongly consistent database service.
91. Cloud SQL API sqladmin.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-sql Enables the management and administration of relational databases on Google Cloud.
92. Cloud SSL Certificates API sslcertificates.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-ssl-certificates Manages SSL certificates for Google Cloud resources.
93. Cloud Storage API storage.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-storage Enables interaction with Google Cloud Storage, a scalable object storage service.
94. Cloud Video Intelligence (Unified) API videointelligence.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-videointelligence Offers video analysis and recognition services with improved accuracy.
95. Cloud Workflows API workflows.googleapis.com pip install google-cloud-workflows Allows building, deploying, and managing workflows.

Price of the API Services

The price for each of these API services is different. You can know that using the following link. https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/library/{API-Endpoint} API-Endpoint you can refer to the table below. Then you can get the price information from the price tab. For example https://console.cloud.google.com/apis/library/vision.googleapis.com you can the price of the vision service.

If you are using AI API services, then the price depends on what specific AI service you are using. For example.

  • AutoML Human Labeled Images With 1 Rater
  • AutoML Human Labeled Images With 3 Raters
  • AutoML Image Classification Batch Prediction for AutoML Vision or Vertex AI
  • AutoML Image Classification Model Training Compute Hours
  • AutoML Image Classification Model Training First Compute Hours
  • AutoML Image Classification On-Device Model Training for AutoML Vision or Vertex AI
  • AutoML Image Classification Model Online Predictions
  • AutoML Image Classification Model Deployment for AutoML Vision or Vertex AI
  • AutoML Image Classification Model Training for AutoML Vision or Vertex AI
  • AutoML Image Object Detection Batch Prediction for AutoML Vision or Vertex AI
  • AutoML Object Detection On-Device Model Training for AutoML Vision or Vertex AI
  • AutoML Image Object Detection Model Deployment for AutoML Vision or Vertex AI
  • AutoML Image Object Detection Model Training for AutoML Vision or Vertex AI
  • Crop Hints Operations
  • Document Text Detection Operations
  • Face Detection Operations
  • Image Properties Operations
  • Label Detection Operations
  • Landmark Detection Operations
  • Logo Detection Operations
  • Object Localization Operations
  • Safe Search Detection Operations
  • Text Detection Operations
  • Web Detection Operations
  • Product Search Metadata Storage

Important Google Cloud Commands

  • $gcloud help - Displays help for a specific gcloud command.
  • $gcloud –help - Displays a list of all available gcloud commands.
  • $gcloud –version - Displays the version of the gcloud CLI.
  • $gcloud init - Initializes the gcloud CLI and sets your default project.
  • $gcloud projects list - Lists all of your Google Cloud projects.
  • $gcloud compute instances create - Creates a new Compute Engine virtual machine instance.
  • $gcloud compute instances list - Lists all of your Compute Engine virtual machine instances.
  • $gcloud compute instances start - Starts a Compute Engine virtual machine instance.
  • $gcloud compute instances stop - Stops a Compute Engine virtual machine instance.
  • $gcloud compute instances delete - Deletes a Compute Engine virtual machine instance.
  • $gcloud compute firewall-rules create - Creates a new Compute Engine firewall rule.
  • $gcloud compute firewall-rules list - Lists all of your Compute Engine firewall rules.
  • $gcloud compute firewall-rules delete - Deletes a Compute Engine firewall rule.
  • $ gcloud iam service-accounts create SERVICE_ACCOUNT_NAME
  • $ gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID
  • $ gcloud auth application-default login
  • $ gcloud services enable pubsub.googleapis.com
  • $ gcloud services disable pubsub.googleapis.com

Google Cloud SDK: Tools for all languages

  • Cheatsheet of Google Cloud Commands
  • “Google Cloud CLI” lets you manage resources and services from the command line. It also contains service and data emulators to speed up local development.
  • “Cloud Shell” lets you code or use a terminal directly in the web-browser.
  • “Cloud Code” provides IDE extensions for VSCode and IntelliJ.

Google Cloud Libraries
