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Pretrained Language Models for Text Generation

Paper Name :- Pretrained Language Models for Text Generation: A Survey
Typer of Paper:- Survey Paper
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Paper Summary :- Pretrained Language Models for Text Generation

Paper Outcome

  • General task definition
  • Describe the mainstream architectures of PLMs for text generation.
  • How to adapt existing PLMs to model different input data and satisfy special properties in the generated text.
  • Summarize several important fine-tuning strategies for text generation.

Ideas from the Paper

Main Ideas

  • This paper discusses “major advances achieved in the topic of PLMs for text generation”
  • This survey aims to provide “text generation researchers a synthesis” and pointer to related research.

General Ideas

  • Text generation has become one of the most important yet challenging tasks in natural language processing (NLP).
  • Neural generation model are deep learning models
  • Pretrained language models (PLMs) are neural generation model

Task Types and Typical Applications

  • In most cases, text generation is conditioned on input data, such as attributes, text and structured data, which is denoted as X. Formally, the text generation task can be described as: P(YjX ) = P(y1; : : : ; yj ; : : : ; ynjX )
  • If X is not provided or a random noise vector z, this task will degenerate into language modeling or unconditional generation task(generate text without any constraint) Radford2019
  • If X is a set of discrete attributes (e.g., topic words, sentiment labels), the task becomes topic-to-text generation or attribute-based generation. X plays the role of guiding the text generation. Keskar2019.
  • If X is structured data like knowledge graph or table, this task will be considered as KG-to-text or table-to-text generation (generate descriptive text about structured data), called data-to-text generation Li2021c.
  • If X is multimedia input such as image, the task becomes image caption Xia2020
  • If X is multimedia input such as speech, the task become speech recognition Fan2019.
  • If X text sequence (most common form), there are several applications such as machine translation, summarization and dialogue system.
  • Machine translation aims to translate text from one language into another language automatically Conneau2019
  • Generating condensed summary of a long document Zhang2019b
  • Dialogue system to converse with humans using natural language. Wolf2019

Architectures for Text Generation

  • Encoder-decoder Transformer. It is two stacks of Transformer blocks. The encoder is fed with an input sequence, while the decoder aims to generate the output sequence based on encoder-decoder self-attention mechanism.
  • Decoder-only Transformer. Employ a single Transformer decoder blocks. They apply unidirectional self-attention masking that each token can only attend to previous tokens.

Modeling Different Data Types from Input

Unstructured Input

  • Hierarchical BERT to learn interactions between sentences with self-attention for document encoding. [Zhang2019b] and [Xu2020b]
  • Capturing intersentential relations, DiscoBERT stacked graph convolutional network (GCN) on top of BERT to model structural discourse graphs. [Xu2020a]
  • Cross-lingual language models (XLMs) for multilingual language understanding. [Conneau2019]
  • Text generation models can obtain effective input word embeddings even in a low-resource language [Wada2018].

Structured Input

  • PLMs are not designed for structured or tabular data but for sequential text/data.
  • Incorporating PLMs for data-to text generation, especially in few-shot settings. [Chen2020b] and [Gong2020]
  • To adapt to the sequential nature of PLMs linearized input knowledge graph (KG) and abstract meaning representation (AMR) graph into a sequence of triples. [Ribeiro2020] and [Mager2020]
  • Introduced an additional graph encoder to encode the input KG. [Li2021b]
  • Template based method to serialize input table into text sequence. [Gong2020]
    • For example, the attribute-value pair “name: jack reynolds” will be serialized as a sentence “name is jack reynolds”. However, direct linearization will lose the structural information of original data, which may lead to generating unfaithful text about data.
  • Auxiliary reconstruction task for recovering the structural information of input data, which can enhance the capacity of modeling structural information. [Gong2020]
  • The pointer generator mechanism is adopted to copy words from input knowledge data. [See2017] [Chen2020b].
  • Content matching loss for measuring the distance between the information in input data and the output text. [Gong2020]

Multimedia Input

  • Conducted pretraining for the video caption task. VideoBERT [Sun2019b] and CBT [Sun2019a]
  • Used a shared multi-layer Transformer network for both encoding and decoding. Unified VLP [Zhou2020]
  • Pretrained the model on two masked language modeling (MLM) tasks, like cloze tasks designed for sequence-to-sequence LM. UniLM [Dong2019]
  • Cross-modal pretrained model (XGPT) by taking images as inputs and using the image caption task as the basic generative task in the pretraining stage. Xia2020
  • Image, video, speech recognition is hungry for human-transcripted supervised data.
  • Integrate PLMs for weakly-supervised learning. For example,
    • Unsupervised approach to pretraining encoder-decoder model with unpaired speech and transcripts. [Fan2019]
  • Two pretraining stages are used to extract acoustic and linguistic information with speech and transcripts, which is useful for downstream speech recognition task.

Satisfying Special Properties for Output Text

  • Generated text should satisfy several key properties like. relevance, faithfulness, and order-preservation.
  • Relevance. Relevance refers that the topics in output text is highly related to the input text. The generated responses should also be relevant to the condition. RNN-based models still tend to generate irrelevant output text and lack consistency with input.
    • When applying PLMs to the task of dialogue systems, TransferTransfo and DialoGPT were able to generate more relevant responses than RNNbased models. [Wolf2019] [Zhang2020]
    • Utilize elaborated condition blocks to incorporate external conditions. They used BERT for both encoder and decoder by utilizing different input representations and self-attention masks to distinguish the source and target sides of dialogue. On the target (generation) side, a new attention routing mechanism is adopted to generate context-related words. [Zeng2020]
    • Approach for non-conditioned dialogue [Bao2020].
  • Faithfulness. Means the content in generated text should not contradict the facts in input text.
    • PLMs are potentially beneficial to generate faithful text by utilizing background knowledge.
    • Initialize the encoder and decoder with three outstanding PLMs, i.e., BERT, GPT and RoBERTa. [Rothe2020]
    • With pretraining, the models are more aware of the domain characteristics and less prone to language model vulnerabilities.
    • Decompose the decoder into a contextual network that retrieves relevant parts of the source document and a PLM that incorporates prior knowledge about language generation. [Kryscinski2018]
    • Generate faithful text in different target domains, fine-tuned PLMs on target domains through theme modeling loss. [Yang2020b]
  • Order-preservation. Order-preservation denotes that the order of semantic units (word, phrase, etc.) in both input and output text is consistent.
    • When translating from source language to target language, keeping the order of phrases consistent in source language and target language will ensure the accuracy of the translation.
    • Code-Switching Pre-training (CSP) for machine translation. [Yang2020a]
      • Extracted the word-pair alignment information from the source and target language,
      • Aplied the extracted alignment information to enhance order-preserving.
      • Translation across multiple languages, called multilingual machine translation [Conneau2019].
      • mRASP (technique of randomly aligned substitution), an approach to pretraining a universal multilingual machine translation model. [Lin2020]
      • Aligning word representations of each language, making it possible to preserve the word order consistent cross multiple languages. Wada2018

Summary from Introduction

  • Researchers have developed numerous techniques for a wide range of applications of text generation [Li2021a].
  • Machine translation generates text in a different language based on the source text [Yang2020a];
  • Summarization generates an abridged version of the source text to include salient information [Guan2020].
  • Text generation tasks based on
    • Recurrent neural networks (RNN) [Li2019],
    • Convolutional neural networks (CNN) [Gehring2017],
    • Graph neural networks (GNN) [Li2020],
    • Attention mechanism [Bahdanau2015].
  • One of the advantages of these neural models is that they enable end-to-end learning of semantic mappings from input to output in text generation.
  • Neural models are able to learn low-dimensional, dense vectors to implicitly represent linguistic features of text, which is also useful to alleviate data sparsity.
  • Deep neural networks usually have a large number of parameters to learn, which are likely to overfit on these small datasets and do not generalize well in practice.
  • The idea behind PLMs is to first pretrain the models in large-scale corpus and then finetune these models in various downstream tasks to achieve state-of-the-art results.
  • PLMs can encode a large amount of linguistic knowledge from corpus and induce universal representations of language.
  • PLMs are generally beneficial for downstream tasks and can avoid training a new model from scratch [Brown2020].
  • A synthesis to the research on some text generation subtasks. Zaib et al. [2020], and Guan et al. [2020]

Conclusion & Future Recommendations

Model Extension.

  • Discrepancies between pretraining and downstream generation tasks. For example, the “[MASK]” token in pretraining stage will not be used in fine-tuning stage, which further aggravates the pretraining finetuning discrepancy.
  • Design an appropriate pretraining paradigm for text generation.
  • Incorporating external knowledge into PLMs during pretraining has been shown to be effective Zhang2019c

Controllable Generation.

  • Controlling some attributes of the generated text has many useful applications such as generating positive response to patients with depression in dialogue systems.
  • PLMs are usually pretrained in universal corpus, which is difficult to control the multi-grained attributes of the generated text (e.g., sentiment, topic, and coherence).
  • These control codes are preset and coarse-grained. Keskar et al. [2019]
  • Future work can explore multi-grained control and develop PLMs that are sufficiently steerable.

Model Compression.

  • PLMs with large-scale parameters models are challenging to be deployed in resource constrained environments.
  • Study how to achieve competitive performance with a small number of parameters.
  • Several methods have been proposed to compress PLMs, such as parameter sharing [Lan2020] - ALBERT
  • Knowledge distillation [Sanh2019] - DistilBERT
  • Compress PLMs for text generation.

Fine-tuning Exploration:

  • The direct intention of pretraining is to distill the linguistic knowledge learned in PLMs to downstream generation tasks.
  • Various ways to transfer knowledge from PLMs to downstream models.
  • Exploited knowledge distillation by adopting BERT as teacher model and a vanilla RNN generation model as student model. Chen et al. [2020a]

Language-agnostic PLMs:

  • PLMs for text generation are mainly based on English. These PLMs will encounter challenges when dealing with non-English generation tasks.
  • Language-agnostic PLMs are worthy to be investigated, which need to capture universal linguistic and semantic features across different languages.
  • An interesting direction is how to reuse existing English-based PLMs for text generation in non-English languages.

Ethical Concern:

  • Currently, PLMs are pretrained on largescale corpus crawled from the web without fine-grained filtering, potentially causing ethical issues such as generating private content about users. Therefore, researchers should try their best to prevent misusing PLMs.
  • Identifying threats and potential impacts and assessing likelihood. Ross [2012]
  • The text generated by PLMs might be prejudiced, which is in line with the bias in training data along the dimensions of gender, race, and religion [Brown2020].

Dr Hari Thapliyaal
