CMMI Consulting
CMMI ConsultingPermalink
Capability Maturity Model Integration(CMMI) is a process improvement training and certification program. Under the CMMI methodology, processes are rated according to their maturity levels, which are defined as: Initial, Repeatable, Defined, Quantitatively Managed and Optimizing. Currently supported is CMMI Version 1.3 released in Nov’2010.
CMMI currently addresses three areas of interest:
- Product and service development — CMMI for Development (CMMI-DEV),
- Service establishment, management, — CMMI for Services (CMMI-SVC),
- Product and service acquisition — CMMI for Acquisition (CMMI-ACQ).
CMMI models provide guidance for developing or improving processes that meet the business goals of an organization. A CMMI model may also be used as a framework for appraising the process maturity of the organization.
Some of the major changes in CMMI V1.3 are the support of Agile Software Development, improvements to high maturity practices and alignment of the representation (staged and continuous).
According to the Software Engineering Institute (SEI, 2008), CMMI helps “integrate traditionally separate organizational functions, set process improvement goals and priorities, provide guidance for quality processes, and provide a point of reference for appraising current processes.”
Maturity Levels in CMMI for DevelopmentPermalink
There are five maturity levels. However, maturity level ratings are awarded for levels 2 through 5. The process areas below and their maturity levels are listed for the CMMI for Development model:
Maturity Level 2 – RepeatablePermalink
- CM – Configuration Management
- MA – Measurement and Analysis
- PMC – Project Monitoring and Control
- PP – Project Planning
- PPQA – Process and Product Quality Assurance
- REQM – Requirements Management
- SAM – Supplier Agreement Management
Maturity Level 3 – DefinedPermalink
- DAR – Decision Analysis and Resolution
- IPM – Integrated Project Management
- OPD – Organizational Process Definition
- OPF – Organizational Process Focus
- OT – Organizational Training
- PI – Product Integration
- RD – Requirements Development
- RSKM – Risk Management
- TS – Technical Solution
- VAL – Validation
- VER – Verification
Maturity Level 4 – Quantitatively ManagedPermalink
- OPP – Organizational Process Performance
- QPM – Quantitative Project Management
Maturity Level 5 – OptimizingPermalink
- CAR – Causal Analysis and Resolution
- OPM – Organizational Performance Management
An organization cannot be certified in CMMI; instead, an organization is appraised. Depending on the type of appraisal, the organization can be awarded a maturity level rating (1-5) or a capability level achievement profile. Many organizations find value in measuring their progress by conducting an appraisal. Appraisals are typically conducted for one or more of the following reasons:
- To determine how well the organization’s processes compare to CMMI best practices, and to identify areas where improvement can be made
- To inform external customers and suppliers of how well the organization’s processes compare to CMMI best practices
- To meet the contractual requirements of one or more customers
Achieving CMMI CompliancePermalink
The traditional approach that organizations often adopt to achieve compliance with CMMI models involves the establishment of an Engineering Process Group (EPG) and Process Action Teams (PATs), This approach promotes that members of the EPG and PATs be trained in the CMMI, that an informal (SCAMPI C) appraisal be performed, and that process areas be prioritized for improvement.
More modern approaches that involve the deployment of commercially available, CMMI- compliant processes, can significantly reduce the time to achieve compliance. These statistics indicate that, since 1987, the median times to move from Level 1 to Level 2 is 23 months, and from Level 2 to Level 3 is an additional 20 months. Since the release of the CMMI, the median times to move from Level 1 to Level 2 is 5 months, with median movement to Level 3 another 21 months. These statistics are updated and published every six months in a maturity profile.
CMMI Roadmaps, which are a goal-driven approach to selecting and deploying relevant process areas from the CMMI-DEV model, can provide guidance and focus for effective CMMI adoption. There are several CMMI roadmaps for the continuous representation, each with a specific set of improvement goals.
PMV provides CMMI Services including CMMI Training, Consulting & Assessment.
CMMI Consulting or Consultancy services are provided to clients to accelerate the CMMI Implementation Program in their respective organizations so that they meet their strategic objective and business goals. CMMI Consulting is provided by Independent Team of experienced CMMI Consultants. We facilitate the clients to implement Best Practices of CMMI and achieve a target performance level in a specific area related to Process Quality, Product Quality, On-time Delivery and Customer Satisfaction.
We pursue each consultancy with integrity, thoroughness, knowledge, and discipline while maintaining our focus on our clients’ objectives. We recognize the challenge of implementing change and our approach starts with a thorough understanding of our clients’ environments, needs and improvement goals.
We have experienced and Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) who have professional qualification from SEI. PMV has highly experienced Assessment Team Members to mentor and help organisations in these services.