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Enterprise Environmental FactorsPermalink

Enterprise Environmental Factors (EEF) are constraints imposed by the project’s environment on the project. The project environment may be related to vendors, customers any other partners, or a project management company. Constraints imposed restricts the options to be exercised by the project team to make decisions or do the project work in a specific way. It may negatively or positively influence a project. A project manager must thoroughly constraints all the consider and plan accordingly because in project management “ignorance is not bliss”. Ignoring or not being aware of some constraints can lead to a big loss/chaos/conflit to the project. Some examples of Enterprise Environmental Factors are as below.

  • Political climate
  • Marketplace conditions
  • Stakeholder risk tolerances
  • Company work authorization systems
  • Organization culture, Structure, and governance
  • Geographic distribution of facilities and resources;
  • Infrastructure (existing capital equipment, facilities)
  • An organization’s established communications channels
  • Commercials database (industry risk study information, risk database, standardized cost estimating data)
  • Existing human resource (skills, disciplines, knowledge of design, development, legal, contracting, purchasing)
  • Personnel Administration (staffing and retention guidelines, employee performance reviews, reward and overtime policy and time tracking)
  • Government or industry standards (regulatory agency regulations, code of conduct, product standards, quality standards, workmanship standards)
  • PMIS (automated tools, scheduling software, configuration management systems, information collection and distribution system, web interfaces to other online automated systems)

Facts about EEFPermalink
