3 minute read

Why is there conflict in the Society?

Why is there conflict in the Society?

There is conflict between societies.
There is conflict within society.

There is conflict between nations.
There is conflict within a nation.

What is society? What is a nation?
Is it just geographical boundaries,
The color of human skin, the language they speak,
The food they eat, or the value system they follow
in dealing with women, children, the learned, and ancestors
of their own and of others?
It is a mix of all and much more.

Society and nations are made of people.
People think as individuals.
A society and nation also think collectively,
and this is expressed in collective behavior.
It is represented by their leaders,
These leaders may be within families, villages,
districts, states, countries, or religious groups.

People think, and they draw conclusions.
Self-protection, followed by self-growth and prosperity,
is natural to every human,
And thus to society and nations.

For this, they need to compete
Within families, within societies, within nations,
And with other nations and cultures.

But to compete, you need to have
Your own clearly defined identity.
You need to assign identity to other competitors.
You need to think so you know
the ways of becoming better or maintaining what you have.

To think, humans need facts.
Unfortunately, most people don’t know
how to distinguish between fact and opinion.
For them, opinion is fact, the truth.

Unfortunately, most people don’t know
how to dig for data and discover the truth,
Or how to validate data and verify its accuracy and reliability.
Most of the time they don’t have resources to get the facts.
To know the truth you need resources, commitment and sincerity.

Unfortunately, most people think with their own biases
And are unaware that their so-called
logical thinking is filled with logical fallacies.
We call this the color of the glasses through which we see the world.

Unfortunately, most people don’t have
the patience to pursue the truth.
So they depend on their leadership,
Which can be political, religious, or familial.

Unfortunately, most leadership is corrupt or incapable.
They obtain their position because of culture, system, or corruption,
But they are not capable of true leadership.
Just because someone is a government officer, minister, grandmother, or grandfather
Doesn’t mean they are the most capable.
There is a system that makes them what they are,
Not because of their deep thinking or leadership ability.

With all these catalysts placed in a dynamic environment,
conflict is inevitable.
Not only that, most conflicts will be destructive.
Because the intention is not to co-learn and co-grow
But to dominate and grow at the cost of others,
other people, other ideas, other religions, other nations.

Apart from all this,
Think about the human mind.
It is not stable. Now you want something,
and in the next moment, something else.
In these situations, if we lack the art of concentration, focus, patience,
And carry our own hate and love for things and people,
Conflict is unavoidable.
If you resolve one, another is waiting.

If you think humans were ever peaceful in earlier times,
Or there was a golden age (Satyayug / Satyug),
Then you have not read and analyzed world history enough.

If you think removing politicians and religious leaders from society will bring peace,
You are mistaken.
People often say, “Focus on learning technology and science.
History and religion make people fight.”
But that’s not correct.
Humans have conflict within themselves
And they seek to fix it outside.
First, fix your own conflict.
After that, if you want to contribute
to peace in society and the world around you, that is extra.

In our madness for making a name,
fame, earning prizes, rewards, and money,
We want to fix external conflicts first,
And we ignore our internal conflicts and our own thinking process.

Oh Chaitanya, how can humans be peaceful and free of conflict?
Is it even possible?
Who are those people who have been peaceful and free of conflict?
We don’t know them
Because they chose a conflict-free state of mind
And worked in their area without any hope for name, fame, or money.
In whatever situation and family they took birth and lived,
They passed through silently.
Some became popular, but they also paid the price for their fame.
Most of them we do not know,
Just as we don’t know
what a world without conflict would look like.

Hari Om Tat Sat
Yours Truly Hari


#ConflictResolution #SocietyAndConflict #HumanBehavior #InternalConflict #PeaceAndConflict
