Bondage of the World
Bondage of the WorldPermalink
Bondage is of two types, physical and mental. Either you put yourself in this bondage or system around you puts you in that bondage. In the bondage either you are happy or not. Either you have any hope of coming out of that bondage or not. You may have a desire to come out of that bondage or not. The treatment may be in your hand or not.
Physical bondage has names like Jail, Hostage, confinement, tapasya etc depending upon what you think.
Mental bondage has names like boredom, monotony, madness, loneliness, feeling cheated, feeling used and thrown etc.
Whatever is the situation to know you are free or bondage you need understanding of events, things, relations around in the present time.
If you understand it correctly, understand its temporariness then where is the bondage?
Is moksha, freedom, liberation a consequence of karma?
Hari Om Tat Sat
Yours Truly Hari
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