Business of Quotations
Business of QuotationsPermalink
When you are convinced of something then to convey that experience you use words. Because you do not have credibility to be believed so you refer from the best seller books, holy books, from your guru’s books etc. After this you think, your experience is transmitted to others.
Fortunately the human mind doesn’t work that way and the message is still not gone. See around how many holy books, Guru-Vaakya, best selling books, are existing. How many people “truly” believe in those books?
If you have conviction on your truth then why to use others as a gun to fire your bullet? Can’t we be honest and straight to speak even our own tapasya and realization? And for that, most of humanity is peddling and recycling the same old information and they don’t have time to realize even iota of that, which they are referring to in the book.
In Indian culture we never had that tradition of quotations. We have a culture of “sayings”, “proverbs”, “kim-danti”, “lok-katha”, “sloka” but we don’t believe blindly on those. No matter who said whether Guru or Devta or Devi or God. No matter where it is written we still apply our mind and then navigate our life. We have a shraddha for all, for the initial period of time when you are entering into that school of thought or gurukula. But living your whole life on those written words and keeping your intellect in a locker is not part of Hindu culture.
People from Abrahmic religion refer to books and treat their books sacrosanct. Every time saying it is written in that book, our messenger said this, it is said by big scientists or politicians or great guru etc. It means, I don’t have the guts to say that truth or don’t have necessary experience.
In these situations does it make sense to say anything, which we want to say? Can’t we remain silent and do Tapasya to experience that truth and then say it? Is it a fear of copyright violation or fear of not getting acceptance? We all are maintaining a timestamp about who said it, when it was said, in which book it is said.
Hari Om Tat Sat
Yours Truly Hari
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