Earlier Hindu Institutions and Today’s Society
Earlier Hindu Institutions and Today’s SocietyPermalink
Joint Families, where each family, Kula, has a Guru and elders. Land belongs to those who can cultivate and feed others. Knowledge belongs to those who can enhance and benefit others with his knowledge. Power belongs to those who can protect others with their power. And money belongs to those who trade with other societies for the benefits of their society. Children belong to the whole village and whole family.
Temple is a place where a Bhakta and his Aradhya live together. Other Bhakta come to meditate and offer praise and flowers. Nobody other than devotee sleep and live permanently in temple premises
Gurukul, an infrastructure to impart knowledge of sciences and arts. Where Guru lives permanently. Students may also live but they live there to learn and serve.
Dharamshala, an infrastructure created by rich man or village people’s efforts or king’s money. Any travelers can live there. It is not a permanent place for any but maintained by either village or king.
Forest is a place where anyone can go alone for his meditation. Knowing all the suffering of the forest he put realization above all the suffering he felt in the world.
Mission and Matha were first conceived by Mahatma Buddha. The purpose was Sadhana of Bhiksu and teaching Dhamma, teaching of Buddha. It is either maintained by a king or Bikshu by begging from the village.
By the time we reached the 21st century it was all topsy-turvy. Today the whole society in the race of secularism has become like this.
In place of family we have beautifully maintained buildings and houses. Maximum 2 or 4 people living. All are running to maintain the beauty of the house. Children
either belong to the father or mother forget about society or village.
In place of Dharamshala we have hotels.
In place of gurukul we have secular school and college with a standard education.
In place of temple we have a place for picnic or god service centers
In place of Mission or Matha we have a mission for conversion, center of politics.
Hari Om Tat Sat
Yours Truly Hari
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