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Four Kinds of Powers of a Society

Four Kinds of Powers of a SocietyPermalink

Whether you appreciate this or not, ancient Indian wisdom says the following.
If you are constantly losing intellectual debate, narrative then Brahminhood of your society is in danger.
If you are constantly losing physical fights with enemies then Kshatruyahood of the society is in danger.
If you are constantly losing trade to other countries or societies then Vaisyahood of the society is in danger.
If you are constantly producing substandard skills of your workforce to support your own three pillars and societies then your shoodrahood is in danger.

Extremely unfortunate but true that Brahmin is considered highest and Shudra is considered lowest in today’s Indian society. You can change the name but to thrive all four kinds of humans are required in any society.

Think once more where India is losing or weak most of the time today? Skill and Services? Trade? Physical fight? Intellectual debate and Indian Grand Narrative?

#indian_castesystem #indian_skill_management #vedic_period


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