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Greetings For New Year 2012

Greetings For New Year 2012Permalink

Dear Friends

Dharma is not about justice nor it is about religion.
It is about empathy, compassion, co-existence.
When you fight for Dharma you do not win or lose but everyone wins.
Love and a higher understanding come.

In a Dharmic society, people are sensitive to each other.
Their focus is not to win others but to conquer themselves and evolve.
In a Dharmic society, man evolves and he has high chances
to become Mahatma, sage, Devta, or God.

I personally feel that in the last couple of years and in the year 2013
we in India forced ourselves to think that how sensitive we are to each other.
Whatever is the pole politicians vs common man,
female security vs man’s arrogance,
powerful nations vs poor countries,
religion vs religion etc we started thinking more about another pole.
We may not see any visible actions
but we started realizing that we must learn to live in co-existence.

I pray that our societies, political leaders,
friends and foes become more Dharmic and
sensitive for all living beings in this year and in coming years.

May we do not focus on materialistic growth quarter by quarter
but internal peace and happiness second by second.
May production and consumption
of the materialistic product, services, and result
become less important for us than the production
of more peace and happiness in ourselves and around ourselves.

May we understand that all beings, animals, plants,
humans of different religions, and countries
all have equal rights on the resources of this mother earth.

May those rights not set by currency exchange rates,
weapons they possess, gold they possess
but by the love which they can share with all.

Love & Regards
Hari Thapliyaal


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