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Greetings For New Year 2015

Greetings For New Year 2015Permalink

Dear Friend,

I would like to wish you a healthy, rewarding and productive new year 2015 & Mary Christmas.

If you are living in India or doing business in India then I hope you agree with me that this year we have restored systems which is much stable, faithful and interested in the growth of all. And coming year is about actions within the system to strengthen the nation and profession.

A peaceful, powerful India is necessary for the world peace. Therefore lets pray and work for peaceful India, Indian neighbor and worldwide.

Let us build our nation, communities and nations around us using project management best practices and high ethical standards.

May the supreme cosmic forces which different religion call by different name(s) give the Dharmic mind to all specially to those who are either consistently disturbing harmony or thinking Adharmic.

May there be peace at physical level, mental level and soul level all around.

May your grow and live in peace and harmony all around you and within you.

Love & Regards

Hari Thapliyaal


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