How to Overcome the Ego and Find Joy in Life?
Ego and Joy of LifePermalink
If you think, “The ego within us
wants to do something difficult because,
against the difficult, one feels,
‘I am someone, doing such a difficult thing,’”
then think again.
It is not about seeking difficulty.
If you challenge someone by asking,
“Why are you doing X in the most difficult way?”
they will likely respond,
“This is the easiest and simplest way.”
The ego thrives on separation,
protection, and individualism.
It resists the philosophy of surrender,
merger, dissolution, or becoming nothing.
Therefore, whatever is necessary
to protect that sense of individuality,
the ego will do.
People seek name and fame because of the ego.
If someone tells them,
“Why waste your time chasing this
fleeting recognition in a futile life?
There is something more important—renunciation,”
they may pursue renunciation, but again, for the ego.
Ego is a sticky thing—
it can latch onto anything.
Some people love to be called Dasa
just as others take pride in the title Swami.
Some seek recognition as the poorest person in the city,
while others want to be known as the richest.
Some even take pride in
being called the most foolish (murkha) among devotees,
as if that makes them the wisest.
Observe the paradox of Ego.
You cannot enjoy the life till you have Ahamkara.
Because every moment somebody will challenge you.
And you whole life goes in responding those challenges.
You can enjoy life if you have Ahamkara equal to Brahman.
Means your Ahamkara merges with Ahamkar of the existence.
You can feel it but then there is no second to share that.
Hari Om Tat Sat
Yours Truly Hari
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