1 minute read

The Power Within

We all have the power to heal our own soul,
Yet many still suffer, not feeling whole.
Some can heal others, it’s their choice to make,
To mend what is broken or let it ache.

A rare few taste the sweetness of freedom’s embrace,
They rise above suffering, in every case.
It’s not that the world spares them from pain,
But they choose their freedom, again and again.

The world is full of paths to despair,
Yet ignorance is the heaviest chain we wear.
To live unaware of our true, divine nature,
Is the surest way to miss life’s true stature.

But if a person stays true to life’s aim,
Focused and steady, their purpose aflame,
Their energy flows to where it belongs,
And suffering cannot stay for long.

It’s true we can’t live without doing our part,
But karma can bind and weigh down the heart.
The secret to freedom, while still in the game,
Is to act with love, and never for fame.

With compassion, care, and respect in our deeds,
We free ourselves from karma’s binds and needs.
In every action, let love be the guide,
And you’ll find freedom on the other side.
