The Purpose Of Motions
The Purpose Of MotionsPermalink
As per the law of physics all the planets, stars and galaxies
want to go in a straight line
but it is a gravitational force due to which they start rotating.
But they are not aware that they are rotating. Are they?
For humans also the same thing applies.
But, human knows, he is in a circle
and it is not possible to break the circle.
Therefore instead of looking at purpose in a straight line
he looks at the purpose in a circular motion.
This circular motion is created
by another kind of gravitational force in life,
you can call it love, greed, attachment, attraction, desire, etc.
Ancient scripture throws upon us an idea of Liberation, Moksha.
It means freedom from the eternal endless circle.
But, what does that mean?
Going infinitely in a straight line like planets can go without gravity?
Or not going anywhere?
Or be everywhere?
Or completely destroy and be one with the cosmos?
Ignorantly many people think that is another kind of joy!
Hari Om Tat Sat
Yours Truly Hari
#purpose-of-motions, #purpose-of-life #libration #moksha
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