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What is Relationships - Poem

What is Relationships - Poem

In school, a friend with wealth so grand,
His father took him by the hand,
To the bank, where an account was made,
A fortune’s future, it seemed, was laid.

One day, I needed money fast,
My friend knew my parents couldn’t amass,
He hurried to the bank to plead,
But found his riches couldn’t meet the need.

The banker said, “Your account is bare,
Without your own, there’s nothing there.
Your father’s wealth, though vast and true,
Can’t grant you more than what’s in you.”

At birth, relationships are born,
With mother first, and then the swarm—
Brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts,
A web of ties, a life enchants.

But like a bank, to withdraw we must,
Deposit first with love and trust.
Time and energy, the coins we spend,
To build a bond, to grow, to mend.

Just because bloodlines trace the same,
Doesn’t mean you can stake a claim.
For in the heart, where love resides,
It’s earned, not given, where truth abides.

Hurt comes when we expect too much,
From those we think should be a crutch.
But life is more than ties of birth,
It’s what we share, our time, our worth.

Strangers sometimes, out of the blue,
Help us when we’re feeling blue,
Or bring a storm, a tragic tale,
And vanish, like a passing gale.

In crowded streets, a face unknown,
Pulls at us, like seeds are sown,
Or stirs discomfort deep within,
A link, perhaps, to where we’ve been.

A fleeting glance, a moment shared,
A stranger’s smile, a soul that cared,
Some bonds are brief, yet strong and true,
While others fade, though years accrue.

O Chaitanya, What is a relationship? We ponder still,
A mystery shaped by time and will.
It starts with blood, but thrives on trust,
In this life’s bank, deposit we must.

Hari Om Tat Sat
Yours Truly Hari
