What is Sin?
What Is Sin?Permalink
You lose a loved one, a bond, or your health,
Blame it on God, Fate, or Karma’s stealth.
You feel consoled, the burden shared,
But deep within, you’re still ensnared.
You blame the system, the people, the ways,
And disgust fills the remaining days.
But no matter where the blame is cast,
The suffering lingers, it seems to last.
The truth is simpler, yet so profound,
An unpleasant feeling within is found.
The truth is, you have the power to choose,
To control your mind, and end the blues.
But in life, we’ve learned much of lesser worth,
Ignoring the wisdom of Dhyana’s birth.
So the cycle continues, suffering unbroken,
For the value of stillness remains unspoken.
With Dhyana, suffering can be stilled for a while,
But with right perspective, it can be exiled.
In life’s many moments, its trials and strife,
Regular Dhyana, and deep understanding, are the keys to life.
Sin is not the cause of pain,
It’s choosing to suffer again and again.
With free will, we feel we’re bound,
But freedom in choice is where it’s found.
Life is full of paths to take,
Yet knowledge, desire, and habits stake,
That only one option we often see,
The choice to suffer, though we’re free.
Hari Om Tat Sat
Yours Truly Hari