4 minute read

why do we conclude?

Why do we conclude?

We think that we give birth.
He thinks that we create.
We think that we can kill, destroy, and finish.
We think that without our doing, nothing will happen.
But when we are surprised by the events around,
we call it luck, it means it happened by chance.
We call it Prarabdha, it means our own Karma breaking the ground,
they are becoming a tree, and generating fruits.

But all this is our thinking.
What is the truth? Is there any way to know the truth?
No matter what science or logic we use,
It is extremely difficult to know the absolute truth.
After a while, we feel we have hit a wall, and there is nothing beyond.

Whatever logic we use today is based on
our understanding as of this day,
And it is influenced by the philosophical
and scientific development of the time.
But this keeps improving based on
the instruments available to explore the truth.
External instruments matter,
but the finest instrument available to humans is their ability to think.

Regardless of the era,
some people in society can think deeper
and understand the truth better than others.
We may not recognize those people — that’s another matter,
because it depends on the tools available to identify them.
Today’s social media, youtube etc are the tool to identify these people
but the stone inscriptions by kings at key junctions of a city
were the tools of yesteryear.

Some may know deeper,
some may be closer to the truth, and others less so.
You want to know the truth about everything,
from who did what in politics to who is who.
How things work and why they don’t.
And because of these efforts, you know so many things.
But ask yourself: What is the use of that? What is the value of that?
Does it bring stability, peace, and love into your life?
Does it bring anything auspiciousness in your life?
If not then why to put efforts to know about the world around?

We know only half because we don’t have access to the full facts.
We don’t know how to reason.
We lack the patience to pursue the truth.
We are in a hurry to conclude the truth, and in doing so, we miss it.
We conclude wrongly, and manytimes we realize it very soon.
Because after some time, we begin to question our own conclusions.
This cycle continues throughout life.

Some claim God exists.
Some claim He does not.
Some say it depends on how you define “God” and ‘isness.’

Our whole life goes by in pursuing the truth.
We think our conclusions are the truth,
But the very next moment, we question those conclusions.
Or someone might inspire us to challenge them.
Why does this happens that our conclusion get challenged at every moment?
Because we are not serious about the truth.
We are rushing for the conclusion.
For us, it is casual news.
We want to know the truth by reading books, newspaper,
watching youtube or reading articles.

To know “who am I”, whom would you ask in the city or village?
What tools do you have to know this truth?
Is it even important to you?
And finally, is it even a question for you?

We give weak logics to convince ourself and our children.
Ask yourself: What logic made you fall in love with someone?
What logic gave you sweet or difficult parents?
What logic gave you a good company, a good salary, and a good life,
while others who are more competent than you struggle?
What logic explains why your partner, parents,
or children leave you midway through life?
What logic explains why people attempt suicide?
What logic explains why people do wrong and don’t even think
they should die after committing such great Paapam (sins)?
What logic explains why some children abuse their parents,
while others surrender their lives at their parents’ feet?

Whatever logic you bring is just a sample of excuses.
Because if these samples were true,
they would hold true regardless of time, space, and circumstance.
But that doesn’t happen.

Sometimes, it seems that drawing conclusions in life
is like seeking death,
because there is nothing left to seek after death.
When I am in rush and I want to know the truth,
By hook or crook I want to know the truth quickly,
So that I can move to another topic,
Or know the truth before I leave my body.

The problem is, without conclusions,
the human mind remains puzzled and confused,
And we cannot live in that state for long.
So we rush to conclusions.
But if you conclude everything in the life
then what is there to know in your life?
and what is the purpose of life?

Without conclusion we cannot live in darkness longer
With all conclusion life looks meaningless.

To live a seeker’s life hold your conclusions.
To live under a confusion I know, you can conclude.

Hari Om Tat Sat
Yours Truly Hari


#TruthSeeking #PhilosophyOfLife #HumanUnderstanding #KarmaAndLife #LogicAndReason #DeepThinking #KnowTheTruth #LifeQuestions #SelfReflection #PursuitOfKnowledge
